Monday, April 9, 2012

Pregnancy - Week 28

Week 28 has come and gone. I'm starting to realize how close the due date actually is! June seemed so far away a couple months ago...but it is getting closer and closer.

I guess I am officially in my 3rd trimester. Things are still going very well and I am thankful. This past week, though, I have been so tired. I hear that happens at the beginning and ending of pregnancy. I'm trying to get enough sleep, but sometimes I don't sleep that great. I have been having crazy dreams. And sometimes I wake up with my body hurting. And I have been having some leg cramps.

Part of my tiredness could be the last couple of weeks at work. They have been a bit crazy. Especially last week. It was very busy. This is one of the busiest times in a church - my work church was preparing for 4 different services in 8 days. Just a lot of details to cover, and things to think through. My pregnancy brain was maxed out this week!

Also this week I have had quite a bit of swelling. Some nights you could not tell I had ankles and my feet were ginormous! The heat could have a part in it. I have been trying to drink mainly water and watch my sodium intake. I think I am done wearing my wedding ring for awhile. I start out with it on in the morning, but by lunch, my hands are swollen and my rings are tight. I think I'm just going to take them off for good for awhile.

Does it sound like I'm complaining a lot? I don't mean too...I'm just trying to document all the pregnancy moments! I really do still feel well. If the above is as bad as it is getting for while, I can deal! One of the best parts of this stage of pregnancy is how much I can feel Baby D (Jaxen) moving. It is pretty crazy sometimes, with how wild he can get - but I'm loving every minute of it!

I have no update on our Prepared Childbirth Class from this past week - because we skipped it! Long story... but it resulted in us going out and purchasing the things needed to get our nursery underway - which, in my mind, is a lot more fun! We will make it this next week though, because that is when they tour the hospital. I'm very curious to see everything.

I have another doctor's appointment this week as well. I now start seeing Dr. G every 2 weeks.

And that's a wrap of week 28. Let week 29 begin. I will leave you with a few pics -


  1. Oh my GOSH!!!!!!! I love these pictures!!! They are so beautiful. I so love the name you all picked out as well. Jaxen... I have been saying it all weekend. I love you and can"t wait to see you!

  2. Those pictures are just so sweet! I LOVE your dress :)

  3. Cute pics of you guys!
