Friday, February 26, 2021

Kindergarten Round Up: Zane

This past week, Zane had Kindergarten Round Up! 

I think Jaxen was more excited than anyone about all this. 

He kept talking to Zane about Kindergarten and his school and how great it would be.

Thursday night, Zane got to walk in his new Elementary School, meet teachers and experience a classroom for about 20 minutes. While I filled out paperwork - I got the short stick!

After we met back up - he was so excited and ready to go back to Kindergarten right then! Sadly, I had to tell him that he would not go until after summer. He has a hard time grasping the concept of "time" he was bummed that it would take forever to get here.

He also kept asking "Am I really a kindergarten-er?" I had to tell him, honestly, no - not yet. But in summer, after Pre-K he will be.

Looking forward to this new adventure for our little boy!

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Weekend Recap

What day is it? Who even knows anymore! 
The kids have been out of school since last Wed/Thur for parent/teacher conferences, in-service, Presidents Day, and then a snow day. I'm not exactly sure when the will go back. 
At one point yesterday, they called for a "remote learning day" but then rolling blackout power outages began and so they cancelled all together.
Thankfully, through all this, I have been able to work from home! 

I was working away on Friday - and all of a sudden, I see this view:

Yes, that is naked Zane, digging for toys! Haha! 
He was in the bath, but apparently decided he wanted more toys. Made me smile :)
I think we were all going a bit stir crazy, so Saturday we ventured out of the house - the boys found some new things they wanted....

Valentines day was super low-key. It started out with sleeping in (for me) and donuts! 
We had our usual lunch - pizza and topped it off with sugar cookies. 
We did not go to church because Zane had a cough. (Since then, he has been to the doctor and diagnosed with a cold).

Nik worked with Jaxen to snow blow our drive way. He did a great job - and mostly by himself!

Zane was living his best life :)

That afternoon, we enjoyed these hot cocoa bombs!

They were super rich - but very tasty!
I will leave you with a picture of our snow fall from the last few days.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Parent Teacher Conferences

This week we had parent/teacher conferences - over Zoom.

I would like to go on record and say these should always take place over zoom! In my experience, they typically run late, which makes your time off of work that much longer (plus the commute to and from). And...over Zoom you do not have to sit in little-itty-bitty chairs!

It was really nice to clock out from work - hop on Zoom for 10 minutes - and go right back to work :)


Conferences went well with both teachers. I met with Zane's teacher first. She told me 4 areas where Zane is "glowing":

  1. his incredible dance moves
  2. he follows classroom routines and rules
  3. he is well liked by his peers
  4. he is always helpful to others

There were two areas where Zane is still "growing":

  1. letter identification
  2. writing name in a progressional order.

Neither of the two areas are a concern - just growth. She had lots of nice things to say about Zane! That was about it for his conference - we had met not too long ago regarding his speech and covered a lot at that time. Short and sweet.

I then met with Jaxen's teacher. We reviewed his report card:

  • Reading: B
  • Writing: B
  • Spelling: A
  • Math: A
  • Science: A
  • Social Studies: B

The areas where Jaxen has B's - she really thinks is due to him just needing to slow down. He knows his stuff, he just does not read everything through - he just wants to be done. Sound familiar, mom? That was my struggle in school - I just wanted to be done, so I rushed through it all!

Jaxen filled out a Student Reflection and I will share a few of the things he said (his words are in italics):

  • My organization skills: Most of the time my desk is messy and clean
  • My work habits: When I think about the quality of my work, I can honestly say sometimes I could have added more effort.  
  • My study behaviors: If I know a test is coming I rely on my memory from being in class. I study best when I know the answer.
  • My behavior in class: When we're discussing something as a class and I know the answer, I kinda blurt or raise my hand
  • My feelings about this school year so far is middle good.

Those answers make me laugh - they are totally Jaxen!

I think I mentioned it here - but Jaxen changed classes after Christmas break - and it has been a very positive thing for him! 

His teacher told me that Jaxen is looked at in her class as a leader by his peers.  That's cool, huh? She has had conversations with him recently though, that sometimes his actions are not always the right actions. But the class follows him - so basically, she has asked him to step it up!

I mentioned that to Jaxen after our conference and when we started talking about the responsibility that comes with being a leader - he rolled his eyes and said "that's the worst part of being a leader!" Hahaha! 

Overall, Jaxen is doing well. He needs to work on slowing down and making the right choices in the classroom so he can lead well. 

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Life Lately

Wow - it's been a minute since I have blogged! 

Since you last heard from me....the Chiefs lost the Superbowl, we are in the process of updating the vanity area of our master bed/bathroom, we have had company, the weather has been so cold with a little snow, and we finally got a new washing machine. I'm sure there is more - but those are the highlights. 

I would love to say I have a ton of pictures from the last couple of weeks - but I do not! Here are a few for your enjoyment as I try to tell you about life lately....

I love my earrings my sister gave me - adorable, right?!

Zane is (still) way into dinosaurs and has enjoyed the dinosaur books we have checked out from the library!

There are days I am still working from home - and I always have a sidekick next to me!

We enjoyed homemade pizzas for the Superbowl and Jaxen really enjoyed his root beer in a frosted mug!

Zane had a follow-up eye exam recently. He still needs to wear his glasses and he is looking as cute as ever! He received this little valentine from the eye doctor.

More to come! I'll try to do better at blogging!