Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Three Things

1. Jaxen's New Haircut
This kid…
he wanted "lines" in his hair.
Took me awhile to figure out what kind of "lines" but I finally did.
I knew I could not pull this cut off myself, so I bit the bullet and paid to have his hair cut.
And he loves it!
And I have to admit - it's pretty cute on him!
I think it makes him look older.
He agreed.
He thinks he looks 9.

2. Candy Canes
Some sweet police officers were giving out candy canes (and Sheriff stickers) to kiddos 
in front on Wal-Mart on Sunday (as they were promoting a toy drive).
My kids love police officers and candy canes...so it was a win-win!
They devoured those things while walking around Wal-Mart.
Guess I should pick up a few of that kind for this Christmas Season :)

3. Funnies
These are the best I've seen lately.
I'm just going to leave them here - no explanations needed!


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Little of Jaxen and Zane

Have I mentioned that Jaxen decided to play basketball this year?
He played 2 winters ago. 
He did not want to play last winter, and then he decided he wanted to this year.
I think he decided to play because a friend down the road is playing.
They were able to be on the same team - and Jaxen is enjoying playing!
After practice tonight we need to work on pivoting and dribbling left handed. 
That may be our weekend :)
Here are a few pictures from tonight…

Each week at Zane’s school, they focus on something different to learn about.
This week is sea creatures.
And he is loving it!
Well, not loving it as much as dinosaurs or construction trucks…
but it’s probably 3rd in line :)
Check out these fun pictures from school this week...

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Weekend Favorites!

Here are a few favorites from our weekend:

My dining room table set, using my new fall chargers.

The beautiful trees, changing color.

Putting my boys (and their friend) to work, raking leaves.

Watching the boys have fun, playing in their leaf pile.

A beautiful day and spending time at the park. 

Not having to haul around a diaper bag - it’s been almost a year…but it’s still a favorite!
Also, portal-potties are a favorite (when the park bathrooms are locked).

Watching Nik hang (1/2 of) our Christmas Lights outside before the winter storm came.

The beauty of the changing leaves, a fresh snowfall, and a happy kid.

Working with the boys to decorate their room for Christmas - because why not?

My number one favorite?
Time with my cutie husband.
We celebrated 17 years of marriage on Saturday.
I still like him.
He still makes me laugh.
He still takes good care of me.
He is still patient.
I still love him. Even more. 

Monday, November 11, 2019

Washington DC - Part III

Monday was our last full day in DC.
We had explored nearby our hotel (within walking distance) the days prior,
so on this day we decided to venture out using the city's bus and Metro transportation.

The bus took us to the Lincoln Memorial via the Washington Monument.
It was a gorgeous day!

I have a feeling I will overuse the words "impressive" "historical" "so cool"
"beautiful" "meaningful" "amazing" and other similar words for the rest of the post...
so just know everything this day was all those words and more!

The Lincoln Memorial.

A view from the Lincoln Memorial to the Washington Monument.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial

Arlington Cemetary.

President John F Kennedy's grave site.

The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
(yes, we were there for the changing of the guards)

The Memorial Amphitheater

After lunch (which we ate at a mall food court because we were starving
and it was close!) and we made our way to DC's China Town.
I'm not sure why we were headed there in the first place...
(I think we were looking for the US Mint Store - and it was a bust)
but we ended up finding a great coffee spot for Nik!


I'm not sure now what we did for the next few hours because I have no pics!
But we ended the night at Ted's Bulletin for dinner.
So so good!

Don't laugh at me...I ordered their grilled cheese and tomato soup.
It was sooo yummy!
Nik, on the other hand, had lump crab and mushroom gnocchi - which he said was the best ever!

That was my last picture of the trip...but here's what happened next...
We stopped for Cupcakes at a bakery on the way back to our hotel.
Once we got back to our hotel, Nik started having trouble breathing.
He was coughing a lot, wheezing and just not doing well.
Remember the fire station under our hotel?
I walked him into the fire station and asked if they could check him out.
They did!
They checked all his vitals and oxygen (which was low),
gave him a breathing treatment, oxygen and albuterol. 
They had us stick around for awhile to make sure he was doing better,
all the while talking, laughing and joking with us - they were great!
After awhile, Nik was doing much better so we headed back up to our room and ate cupcakes :)

The following morning - we were lazy and took our time getting around.
I did have one last meeting for work with the Hotel Staff - but that was less than an hour. 
We then made our way to the airport, had lunch and headed home in time to see the kiddos
when they arrived home from school!

It was a wonderful time spent in a new city with my cutie husband!
Thank you to Nik’s parents for holding the fort down.
I know it’s a big task to travel here and keep our kiddos.
A big shout out to Kay especially, as she had some ‘extra stress’ while we were gone.
She is amazing and my kids loved the time with both their grandparents!