Monday, October 22, 2018

Jaxen: Lost 1st Tooth

Jaxen has had a loose tooth for weeks now!
I cannot believe it did not fall out at some point.
He is getting 2 new teeth in, behind his one wiggly one - so we knew it was time to get it out.

Nik talked Jaxen into letting him wiggle it Sunday morning, and then to let him try pulling it!

After 3 attempts it came right out and Jaxen was so excited!
(I’ll be honest…I was probably more excited than anyone!)

There was a little bit of blood…which I thought would freak Jaxen out - 
but he was very brave and let Nik keep trying.

Hopefully it won’t take as long for the next ones :)

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Bat Day / Parent Teacher Conference

Jaxen’s class had bat day this week, and he thought that was the funnest ever!

We also had his Parent / Teacher Conference on Wednesday.
It went well, overall.

He is still “developing” in writing.
But “progressing” in reading, speaking and listening, math, and science.
And he is “proficient” in spelling.

There are a few things we need to work on:
he needs to attend to his given tasks longer, needs to work on organizing his 
things at the end of the day, and learn how to turn off his “silly” better. 

His teachers really spoke highly of Jaxen and commented
how much they enjoy him and how he brings good energy into their room.

They also shared that he loves to help
and is friends with everyone, 
even playing with different kids everyday on the playground.

I am very proud of him!
We have had a few struggles this year…but he continues to grow and press on.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Life Lately

Matching Tattoos!

Go KC Chiefs!

Free fun in the Grocery Store.

Jaxen’s Masterpiece on his white board.

How many toothbrushes do 2 little boys need?

Painting and Playdoh on Saturday :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Hank is Jaxen’s Class Pet and on Monday, Jaxen got to bring him home to hang out! It was supposed to be for 2 nights, but Jaxen took Hank to school on Tuesday and forgot to bring him back home. Oops! Good thing Hank is not a real animal :) And all the mama’s said Amen!

Jaxen decided he wanted to take Hank to the park.

Then we showed Hank the grocery store.

Jaxen read him a bedtime story.

Then I tucked them both in nighty-night!

Monday, October 8, 2018


Welcome to my random pictures as of late…

This made me laugh out loud!
Nik sent me this at work one day.
Zane is so funny :)

Jaxen wanted a mohawk for church one Sunday.
Nik obliged.

My sweet little boy!

This picture is so blurry, 
but look at Jaxen’s bottom, middle, right tooth.
It’s loose! 
A new one is coming in so I’m trying to get that one out. 

Oh slime.
It’s fun.
It’s messy.
Please don’t buy my kids slime :)

A trip to Ikea always ends in pizza for my boys.

Some days Zane just can’t hang.

And some days he’s the instigator :)

 Nik and I worked at a work-event I had and our friends, Jim and Becky kept the boys.
They got to meet and pet a horse!
Plus, learn all about horseshoes, and even got to bring one home (horseshoe, not horse)!

Then they had a campfire. Because, of course!
Chandlers = Campfire.

Friday, October 5, 2018

Free Saturday Fun

A couple of weekends ago we had some FREE Saturday Fun!
Our local Johnson County Museum and Kidscape Play Area had free admission for the day,
and we jumped on that opportunity!

First, I made the boys explore the museum.
It was actually pretty cool - however, they rushed through most of it.

A few things caught their eye, though…

And then we moved on to Kidscape. 
This is such a fun place!
Basically, a lot of imagination stations…
Our friends Rusty and Diane were in town and joined in on the fun :)


Cooking in a diner...

Mail Delivery...

A Prison...

 Construction Blocks…

We stayed there a long time - but had so much fun!
After, we headed to a new park ...

Yes, that’s Rusty up there with Jaxen!

 And Di Di with Zane!

I love free fun (especially on Saturdays)!