Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Weekend Happenings

Well, I think this past weekend was the first weekend, in weeks, that felt normal!

After work Friday, I headed home.
While the boys were playing with some friends, I was texting with my friend, Becky
about meeting up the next day to go hiking.
After a bit, she asked if we wanted to come stay the night.
I only hesitated for 1 minute before I quickly gathered a change of clothes for everyone and
told the boys to get in the van and off we went!

It was so nice to get out of the house and do something different, normal!

We arrived around 7:30pm and enjoyed watching the sunset while the boys played outside
and Becky and I visited.

Zane loves their dogs!

Jim always gives the boys a chance to drive the tractor!

Saturday morning Becky, Jim, the boys and I headed out for our hike - it was so nice!
The weather was great, the trails were fun, and the boys had a blast!

We were headed home and our neighbor texted to see if we wanted to pick strawberries with them...
yes, of course!
I dropped Zane off at home and Jaxen and I met up and picked a few pounds of strawberries.
They were delicious!

While we were doing that, Nik and Zane were setting up our new little pool!

Since our city pools have not opened, and may not all summer - we purchased a small little pool.
It's perfect for Zane. He loves it and has spent 3-6 hours in it everyday since Saturday!

It's a little small for Jaxen, but he has found ways to have fun in it.
Water guns help too!

We were supposed to have a rainy Sunday/Monday but the storms kept passing us by -
so we kept playing outside, most of the weekend.
It was really nice.

On Sunday, we did get out for a bit because I left my glasses at Becky's.
We met halfway, got my glasses, picked up a few items at Academy and then had lunch together.

It felt so normal!

The rest of the weekend we laid low, relaxed and had fun watching the boys play.

On Monday, Nik grilled kielbasa and corn on the cob. 
We also had fresh strawberries, blueberries, watermelon and brownies - yum!

It was a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Life Lately

Here is a little of our life lately for you….

The boys are having a blast playing with friends again (outside)…
and their trampolines…and their dogs…
and sprinklers…. and popsicles...

…and dead snakes.

This Monday, I had Jaxen do school work and then on Tuesday I forgot. 
I did remember to take him to his school to pick up his personal belongings.
In with all his school papers and supplies was a certificate for “Biggest Imagination”!
Wednesday - I was not feeling school and was busy with work, so at lunch time I announced
“School’s over! You are now a 3rd grader!!!!”
He jumped up and down and hollered in excitement for a minute and then that was that.
Moving on. 
Good-bye 2nd grade.

 You know what the good news is around here?!
QT now serves tea!
When everything shut down, QT (our favorite gas station) quit serving 
tea, and eventually slushes and sodas.
Well - the TEA IS BACK!
Nik and I are both so happy.
We love their tea.

We received a (new to us) dresser from a neighbor that was moving so I 
re-arranged the boys room to make room for it.
(Jaxen really needed a dresser - and this one is big enough they can share)
When re-arranging their room, I made Jaxen a little private space at his request and
then decided to create Zane a private space too (yes, in the closet). 
I should have taken pictures during the day - but when I went in to check
on them before I went to bed they were too cute not to photograph :)
(The flash went off so the pictures are really bright)

In case you are wondering,
yes Zane still wonders into our room at night and sleeps with me.
Sometimes he sleeps in his bed sometimes he sleeps on his cot, or in the floor.
Sometimes he sleeps in undies, other nights he pulls down shirts from the closet and puts
on multiples ones and sometimes he puts on a dinosaur or spiderman costume.
You never know what you will find with Zane in the middle of the night.
Or anytime….really.
He went through (at least) four outfits yesterday.
I don’t even know when he changes clothes…he just all of a sudden shows up and 
you realize he is dressed totally different!

One of the (at least) four looks from yesterday….

 Well, that’s a little peak into our life lately!

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

One Picture

I took one picture this past weekend.
That is all.
I need to do better, right?!

Well, here it is….

It's me - after I cut my hair!
I cut the boys hair Friday night and once they were in bed, I took a pair of scissors to my own.
I cut probably 6 inches off.
It's not perfect by any means, but it will do.
I was tired of long hair and didn't want to even see when I could get an appointment.
I’m sure they are booked solid for the next few months!

Here's a side by side of the difference:

Let's hope this coming weekend is a bit more exciting!

Monday, May 18, 2020

Quarantine - Take 8 (The End)

I'm going to go ahead and say that our time of quarantine is coming to an end.

Our county has lifted some of the stay-at-home restrictions and things are slowly opening back up.

Our kiddos are even getting to play with friends again (outside, at least)!

School is also ending this week.
I'm so glad!

It is a little tough not having all the end-of-year things to mark the occasion.
They boys came home from school on March 12 and never went back.
We will be able to pick up their personal belongings from school this week
(drive-by and a random teacher will hand us a bag with our kids name on it).
I wish they at least had a chance to say bye to their teachers and friends.

Jaxen had a Zoom meeting last week where they took a class picture.
Zane had a Zoom meeting where his teacher showed them a video from the school year. 
I appreciate the efforts.
Just not the same.

Our summer will officially start soon and I should probably do 
something special to mark that occasion, right?!

Also, I am headed back to work on Thursday.
Heading back to work has mixed emotions for me. 
I have been working at home since March 24th.

I have received morning hugs from both of my boys everyday - no matter what time they wake up.
I will miss that if they are not awake before I leave.

I have had company throughout the day in my office.
I will miss those little breaks.

I can hear the boys playing and can even take a break to hang out with them for a few minutes.
I will miss the interaction.

Because I was working at home, Nik was able to sleep in each morning.
Nik will miss that.

Because I was working at home I did laundry throughout the day.
Now I will have to do it all at night.

Because I was working at home, Nik and I were able to have more conversations 
and connect through the day.
We will both miss that.

I am looking forward to my little commute again.
It has been tough some days to jump from mom/wife/employee in a matter of a second.

I am looking forward to the quiet of our office.
Not that it's always quiet - but I won't have to hear the constant noise from the boys...or their music, tv shows, footsteps, doors opening/closing...etc.

I am looking forward to something different.
Working from home has gotten a bit old. 
I have the same routine everyday.
At least at the office - it changes...a little.

I am looking forward to seeing my co-workers.
I have missed them, and Zoom meetings are not the same.

I am looking forward to the ease of the office.
Some of my work has had to be done differently, and in some cases, takes longer.

There are definitely more things that I will miss and enjoy - but, you get the idea.
Enough rambling....all is well!

I will end this post with pictures of Zanes latest drawings - "people with bad germs".
Do you think he is coping well with all that's going on, or do you think he will need therapy?!