Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Pregnancy Workouts

So I bought a work out video specifically designed for pregnant women. Can I tell you now that working out while pregnant is not any more fun than working out not pregnant. (Just in case you had that thought). Throughout the whole video (that I have done once) the thin (not pregnant) lady kept telling me (yes, I took it personally) that there was no need to use weights when we worked our lower body...because I already have extra weight in my belly.

Why, thank you, extra thin lady, for pointing out my 'extra weight'. There are days I do not feel pregnant. And then there's working out. I felt very pregnant. More so than I am. Apparently I need to do this video more often. I realized I have bad pregnancy posture (not that I ever had great posture to start with) and that I'm not even physically ready to birth a baby. Maybe that's because I now really, really enjoying napping and watching movies instead of riding my bike and playing tennis.

I sense the need for some kind of accountability here, people. I know I need to exercise. It is good for me, good for baby and good for this body that is constantly changing. So - you should leave me comments to see if I'm working out or not. (Yes, this is a trick to talk you into commenting!). But seriously - accountability, people!

1 comment:

  1. If it stays this nice out maybe we should walk for lunch around the park or something together, lol!
