Thursday, January 26, 2012

It's Official

It is official - Nik will be an ordained minister in the Church of the Nazarene! We went to our final interview on Tuesday and everything went well. So at District Assembly, we will be a part of the ordination service. This has been a long journey for him, and I could not be a prouder wifey (as Nik likes to call me). I love my husband and support his call into the ministry 100% (except at youth car washes and lock-ins...the support drops some...! Ha!).

Do you want to know what my big stress of the day was? What. To. Wear. Seriously - this had me in tears (I'm blaming the hormones). I was a little nervous about this interview, and not knowing what to wear, just threw me all off.

Nik was in a suit. A nice suit. Light blue shirt and tie. So, should I wear dress pants or a dress?

I was going to wear dress pants and a nice shirt. Because I don't wear dresses. Ever. Then, I had a thought. I own 2 dresses. Was it even possible that one of them fit, still? I finally found it, deep in the closet, in a hanging bag (thankfully, it was not dusty). I put it on, thinking there was no way it would fit. But I wanted to look nice for this interview. It fit. Seriously? I don't know how. (Well, when I say it fit - it zipped. My belly is totally poking out....but that's the way it is these days. So, in my mind, the zipper did not break - therefore it fit!). So then it was set. I was wearing a dress.

Then I cried over it. Did it look nice enough? Was it too short? Were my legs too white? Even if my legs were not too white, I still have some crazy scarring (thank you, impetigo - that everyone said should not scar). Then I debated forever about actually wearing the dress or just wearing dress pants. The need to impress and look nice won in the end.

Here you have it - me in a dress. (Nik was not home to pick me up yet, so I had to take pics on my own).