Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Our Anniversary - Plan G

I was feeling much better come Monday - Thank goodness. That bug I had was terrible! And I’m happy to report no one else got it!

So we got to celebrate our Anniversary on Monday.

The reason the blog post is title “Our Anniversary - Plan G” is because Sunday night Nik was telling me how bummed he was - the way the weekend and our anniversary turned out. He pointed out that we started out with a “Plan A” and by the time Sunday night came, we ended up not with Plan B or C, or D…we ended up with “Plan G”!

And so goes life, right?! Ha Ha.

"Plan A" was to have a little getaway to Lake Placid. But it just didn’t work out.

“Plan G” consisted of calling someone Monday morning (after we knew I felt better and was up to going out) to ask if Jaxen could hang out with them that evening. They kindly said yes!

So at 4:30, we dropped Jaxen off and we headed out.

Guess what we did?!

We walked the mall. I felt like we were in Middle School (isn’t that what teeny-boppers do on their dates?!). Actually, we saw a lot of older couples in the mall that night. We were not alone! But what I loved about it was that we could just walk, and talk, and look around at the few things we wanted to check out. Without a 2 year old touching everything, or needing a snack, or a drink, or a diaper change, or wanting to walk, or wanting to be held….you know….

It was nice. And I came home with a pair of shoes - always a plus!

After the mall, we went to dinner. It was so nice. I enjoyed our time together so much!

While we were gone - we were sent these pictures:

Louka and Jaxen during dinner

Riley and Jaxen cuddling

Jaxen had the best time with his friend, Louka, while we were out. He did not want to leave and cried for a few minutes after we left! She was so sweet with him and wants him to come back and play again. It makes my heart happy to know that he has friends who love him so much!

It also makes my heart happy to be married to my very best friend for 12 years. He just gets me. And I love him so very much! And whether it is Plan A, G or Z…as long as we are doing it together, I’m good!!!

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