Monday, July 27, 2015

Our Week - An Assortment of Pics

Last week was great! You already know (because I mentioned it 746 times) that it was Soccer Camp. Well, it was. And here are an assortment of pics from the week…

Jaxen was in childcare every day, during the camp (too young to participate).
But here he is with his friend Aaron, playing one day after camp!

Every morning we were there an hour early to get things setup.
Jaxen loves to help us…so he pushed out the water cart on this particular day.

I mentioned that on Wednesday (after Soccer Camp) we left to attend 789 Camp for the night.
Nik would normally have been at camp all week…but Soccer Camp was scheduled at the same time.
So we drove down, and on the way we stopped to treat all the counselors to a treat!

We had heard about a great BBQ place on the way - so that is where we stopped 
at 3pm for lunch/dinner. And it was fabulous! 

Jaxen even got to play in between bites while we sat outside. It was a beautiful day!

Once we arrived at camp, they were in the middle of a water war and (thankfully) they let 
Jaxen play with a water gun. He had the best time squirting and being squirted!

We celebrated the end of Soccer Camp by going to the beach!
But this boy was exhausted…after I found him laying in the sand, I decided we better call it a day!

And this was him after the beach - he stayed asleep in the car for a solid hour after we arrived home.
And those are M&M markings on his shirt and face.
It was his little treat for being so good all week :)

After his nap he was ready to go for a walk!

Our Sunday Selfie. Ignore Jaxen’s weird face. He was actually happy!

He decided he did not want to ride in the car to church - but wanted to walk, instead.
And not even walk through the field…but walk through the neighborhood. 
We had time to kill, so I obliged.

Jaxen loves his daddy’s bike!

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