Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Speech Therapy 103

The day Jaxen turned 2 1/2 - I was on the phone, making the calls to start the process for Jaxen to have another speech evaluation.

Jaxen has improved and even says a few more words/phrases than the last time I posted an update. However - he is still not there. So I made some calls.

His evaluation was today.

And the official reports have not been submitted, but one of his evaluators (he was evaluated on speech, language and development) told me that he did definitely qualify for some speech therapy.

That made me very happy! I know he needs some help, and I’m so thankful that he will finally get it.

The whole process is a bit draining on me. Lots of questions, lots of information, lots of listening and watching your child - wanting to help and push - but just sitting there, allowing another person to evaluate him. I’m probably making it more dramatic than it was. Oh well.

Now we are waiting on reports to be submitted, a committee to meet, and then they will schedule a meeting with me to work on Jaxen’s individual plan. That should all happen within a couple of weeks. Yeah!

On a different note…this cracked me up this morning - so I took a picture to show you.

See number on bottom right. 1.
At 7:54 this morning, it was 1 degree outside.

I found that funny for some reason.

What is not funny - is how cold 1 degree is! It is freezing here!

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