Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The Pregnancy Story Part 2

The Friday after we found out I was pregnant, we had an appointment at the hospital with someone to go over our insurance and see how much this pregnancy was going to cost. Holy Cow! Do you know how much birthing a baby costs? It's a lot. Talk about stealing the joy of pregnancy...this lady almost stole all of my baby joy! That's all I have to say about that...Oh, one more thing - why do they talk money with you before a doctor will ever even see you? Enough....

However, while we were there, she calculated my due date for me! Baby D's due date is June 24, 2012!

After insurance lady stole my joy, I made Nik Nik kindly took me to the store to buy this:

What to Expect When You're Expecting! It still was feeling a little surreal to me that I was pregnant, especially since I had no clue what was going on with my body or my baby. This book was the key (or so I told Nik) to me actually feeling pregnant! 

Talk about information overload....wow! There is so much to learn and know - it was kind of overwheling at first. Then I adopted the frame of mind that I use often. (Examples - there will always be someone whiter, smarter, skinner, fatter...etc than me). So in this case my frame of mind went something like this - There are people in the world who are dumber than me and still have/raise babies every day. It will not be the end of the world if I don't know everything there is to know. 

That said, I have skimmed the book. I kinda know what's going on in my body (and that's another story....) and I kinda know how my baby is growing/developing. One word: AMAZING!

I finally got an appointment with an actual doctor for Thursday, November 17. More to come.... 


  1. You are hilarious do you know that. You are too cute! Thats what friends are for. I know I don't know anything about having children, but have done a lot of babysitting and daycare so with friends by your side you will do just fine. You guys are going to be Great!

  2. you are so nutty! I can't stop looking at baby things now - do you know that !?!?! Anyways, I am so excited for you both! I love you!

  3. Information overload for sure! I read that book until it got to about 7 months ... then realized that I would rather start reading some books on parenting rather than pregnancy. So that's what I've been doing. It's crazy how everything changes when you're going to have a baby! Change in perspective and lifestyle ... and super exciting!! :)
