Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Cucumbers and Bees

Cucumbers. Seriously. Who Knew:

1.  That just one cucumber contains most of the vitamins you need every day: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, Folic Acid, C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Zinc!

2.  They can provide a quick pick-me-up that can last for hours because of the Vitamins - So put down the caffeinated soda in the afternoon and pick up a cucumber!

3.  You can rub a cucumber slice along your mirror to eliminate fog (from your shower) and it will provide a soothing spa-like fragrance!

4.  By adding a few slices of cucumber to a pie tin and placing it in your garden, you will be free of grubs, slugs and pests all season long! (The chemicals in the cucumber react with the aluminum to give off a scent undetectable to humans but drives away garden pests).

5.  Rubbing a freshly cut cucumber over your shoes gives them  a quick and durable shine that not only looks great but also repels water.

6.  Taking a cucumber slice and rubbing it along a problematic-squeaky hinge fixes the squeak!

7.  Pressing a slice of cucumber to the roof of your mouth with your tongue for 30 seconds will eliminate bad breath! (The phytochemicals will kill the bacteria in your mouth responsible for causing bad breath).

8.  Rubbing a slice of cucumber on your faucets, sinks and stainless steel remove years of tarnish, bringing back the shine and it won't leave streaks!

WHO KNEW - Not me!

All I can say is...cucumbers are on my grocery list for the next trip. Did anyone know about any of the above mentioned greatness of cucumbers?

Will anyone try any of the tips?

Bees. Not fun.

Today, during my lunch break, I got some Thai take-out. YUMMY (by the way). I went to a park, and parked on the side of the road, under some trees. I sometimes get out and sit at picnic tables and eat - but the shade was so nice today. So, I park, roll down the windows, turn down the radio, kick off my shoes, put my seat back, put my hair in a pony-tail (so it does not get in my food), relax and attempt to eat my lunch and read a book. (Ok - the last sentence makes me sound high maintenance!). Side note - Have you ever tried to eat a 'noodle meal' and read at the same time? In my world, it is not possibe! Anyway, back to my story... I was reading and eating and then I hear 'buzzing''s a bee - in my car! I quickly open my door, step out onto the street (no shoes) throw my book down (luckily, my lunch was not in my hands, but sitting on my arm rest) and then I realized that I am now standing in the street, shoeless with a book thrown on the street. I get my self together (and no, I did not turn around to see if anyone was staring/laughing at me), and calmly start 'shooing' the bee out of my car. The bee finally goes away. I resume my lunch position, except my lunch was in hand this time. The bee is back. Seriously. Here I go again - although, this time was not so frantic. I do manage to set my lunch down and not throw it down. Yummy Thai food. I finally get the bee out again. I have learned my lesson. I roll up all windows, turn on the car (run the A/C) and finish my lunch. Side note - Don't tell Nik I wasted the gas just sitting in my car - he hates it when I do that! Ha!

Now that I have bored you with Cucumbers and Bees...I will sign off!


  1. I am skeptical of these cucumbers being this supposed super veggie... I refuse to buy cucumbers until you post a complete analysis of experiments proving these claims! BTW, snails and grubs taste great with cucumbers... ;)

    -Matt Boland

  2. I love this post, thanks for sharing. I did not know all that, but I do not think that they will be on my grocery list still. LOL!
