Friday, January 27, 2017

It’s Friday!

It’s Friday!
I don’t know why…but this week has felt really long.

It could be because Nik has been extremely busy,
or that some plans of mine got cancelled,
or because 2 mornings this week my 4 year old has woken up way too early,
or because my 9 month old has woken up at midnight every night this week…
take your pick :)

But, it’s Friday - and I’m happy that my cutie husband is taking the day off!
And tomorrow (while Nik is out of town again) I invited over 2 other mommas with their kiddos.
My plan: let the kids destroy the house and have fun while I drink hot tea
and have deep, meaningful, much-needed conversations with adults.
How it will probably go: kids fighting and someone gets sick.
Meaning, no adult conversation and all us mommas 
feeling more tired than we did before the day started. 
I have learned to lower my expectations - haha!

I have taken very few pictures this week - so here is what I have for you today:

Jaxen loves ‘teaching’ me. Only me. Not Zane. Haha.
We were learning about tires and ovals and triangles.
He is a pretty bossy teacher.
I have idea where he gets his bossiness from!

A funny Jaxen story:
Today for school it was hat day.
And all of us drove him to school today. 
As he was getting out of the car, he said “Hat a good day today!”
I thought it was sooo funny.
Nik rolled his eyes.

I made peanut butter cookies a few nights ago.
So soft and yummy. They hit the spot!

And last night while I was cooking dinner - this happened:

It was seriously sooo loud.
But so cute that both boys were playing together and having a great time!

Our night went downhill shortly after that.
Jaxen (because he woke up so early) was exhausted.
And it was one thing after another until he was in bed at 7pm.
Thankfully, he slept through the night (until 7am) and was his normal, happy self!

Hope you guys have a great weekend!

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