Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Marriage Talk

Nik and I have been having a conversation here lately about our time. We have decided that we don't spend enough time together (just the two of us) doing fun stuff. The time we do spend together is usually playing with Jaxen, doing chores, running errands (actually Nik and I plan to run errands one afternoon a week while Jaxen is sleeping just so we can spend some time together and talk) or spent with other people. All of which, are not bad. However, we are discovering that it is also not good to not have fun together either.

It is hard on a couple. Especially having a baby in the mix. All my energy seems to be poured into my job each day and then when I get home, poured into our home and into Jaxen. And what is left...Nik gets. He normally gets a tired, overwhelmed wife. Not fun.

And this is not all the time (thankfully), but it is becoming more and more. The time Nik and I do get to talk (between phone calls, texts, and in the middle of cooking dinner and entertaining Jaxen) we are discussing work, church, meetings we have had, who is in the hospital, updating each other on people we have talked to....and so forth. Not a lot of time is spent talking to each other. On a personal level. If that makes sense.

I say all that to say: We are working on our marrige. Constantly. Sometimes it is easy and sometimes it is not.

Having Jaxen has been incredible. But - we are going to leave Jaxen a bit more, to focus on us. And to have fun. Date nights! And that will make for a better marriage, and I do believe, better parents.
I am so thankful for Nik in my life - 
For the outstanding job he does of being a husband and a father!

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