Monday, July 30, 2012


* We have officially moved Jaxen out of our bedroom - and he is sleeping every night in his crib! I do have to say that I am sleeping better - not waking at every little sound he makes. He does well in his crib.

* Jaxen is starting to lose some of his hair. Sad. I love his hair. Everyone told me it would happen, but I didn't think he would - since he hadn't lost any yet. I may have a bald baby soon. At least he will be a cute bald baby.

* This week we are 'Task-Mastering' as I have named it. We are trying to accomplish all that we can off our to-do lists before I head back to work next week. Eye appointments, meeting with our Insurance rep, lunch with friends, errand running, returning borrowed maternity clothes, house cleaning... you get the picture.

* After bath time tonight, we put Jaxen in his robe. TOO CUTE!

* Tuesday, August 7, Jaxen will be 8 weeks old and I head back to work (part-time). I am excited to go back to work. I miss my work people. And I miss my job. I know it will be a little busy and stressful my first couple of weeks back - just getting in the groove of everything. And missing my little boy. But I think I will be okay... I think. I am eating up my time with Jaxen. I cuddle him extra long in the quiet mornings and give him extra kisses whenever I can, trying not to take any of this time for granted. It is precious time and I am so glad (and grateful to my husband) that I was able to stay home for 8 weeks!

* Speaking of going back to work, I do not think I have updated you on my childcare situation. God has worked it all out! There is a girl / lady / woman (not sure what the proper term is - she is in her mid-20's) that attends our church and has graciously offered / agreed to take care of Jaxen while I am at work! She was a paramedic and has taken care of babies before. She is great with Jaxen. And the wonderful thing - she is coming over to our house to watch him! Jaxen will not have to be carted off each day, without his stuff. He will be at home, in his surroundings!

* I am sure there are more updates... but that is all you get this evening. 'Baby Brain' is starting to set in!

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Family Game Night

Friday night was our volleyball night at the church - or "Family Game Night", which is what we now call it. Basically, our desire with this ministry is to bring families together and have some fun!

We play volleyball, people bring snacks and we also have other games available if they are not interested in volleyball. It was such a great time. We try to do this at least once a month. Sometimes more... and always on Friday. It is a good stress reliever from the work week. 

We had a great crowd show up last night and we had so much fun!

Sidenote: Steve and Jennifer - YOU WERE MISSED! I hope this year goes by fast so you can come home and play volleyball with us again!

Volleyball (I think around 8 games were played)!

I brought Jaxen, knowing there would be many people who would want to play with him while I played volleyball. Gabriel also showed up. His mom and I were pregnant at the same time, with only 2 days apart in our due dates. Jaxen came early - he came on time. So there were 2 babies for all these ladies to love on!

The Baby-Holders:

Jaxen had the best time ever! During one of the games, I kept looking to check in on him and every time I looked there were more people around him. Finally, after the game I went to check it out. This is what I saw:

Amber had Jaxen and was doing exercises with him and he was making such funny faces - entertaining everyone! Even the kids stopped playing their games to come watch Jaxen - it was so funny!

I'm so glad Jaxen has so many people to love on him.

And Nik and I had a blast playing volleyball!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Jaxen - Dr. Appointment

Today we had Jaxen's appointment with the Hematologist. Before he went, I dressed him in a cute outfit and took some pics!

Jaxen and I - wearing his polo onesie

See the cute frog on his behind?!

Nik and Jaxen

When we got to the doctor's office we had to wait...

So (of course) I took some pics!
See those eyelashes?!

The nurse took all of Jaxen's stats:

Weight: 10.0 lbs!!!
Length: 22 1/2 in.
Blood Pressure: 99/62
Pulse: 164
Temp: 97.0
Oxygen: 100

All of which were perfect!

We met with the doctor, Dr. G, and he educated us on hemoglobin. Basically, there was an abnormality with Jaxen's hemoglobin. Jaxen's initial results came back negative for some of the major hemoglobin issues, such a sickle cell. Which is good. His abnormality will likely be very minor.

After talking to the Dr. they had to draw some blood. Two viles of blood! It was a little hard seeing that needle going in and all that blood coming out (for me, anyway). So I just focused on taking pictures!

The nurses, putting the needle in his arm.

All in all, Jaxen did really well with his blood being drawn.

So now, we wait for results. We should know something in about 2 weeks.

This afternoon Nik decided to take a nap on the couch and I laid Jaxen down with him. 

Jaxen loves napping with his daddy!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Chicago Mission Trip

Last week, Nik was on a mission trip to Chicago with the youth from our church. I thought you might enjoy some pics and a quick long recap of his trip!

Our group, early Saturday morning before departure

Nik and Brent (youth pastor from Georgetown) worked for a full year planning this mission trip. There were many meetings over some good BBQ off of I-35. Lots of late night conference calls. Numerous emails and too many texts to count. But it all came together....!

4 churches
9 adult sponsors
42 teens

All serving 1 GOD in the south side of Chicago Illinois

They church where they stayed at

The boys sleeping quarters - 
next to the pulpit and baptistry! 

The group divided into 4 work teams, serving at: Christian Life Ministries, Keith's Urban Youth Outreach, and The Christ Way Baptist Church.

Nik's Work Team

Between all the teams, they worked in the following areas:

* Construction

Laying floors

2 teens designed and painted the following
on one of their buildings

* VBS-style Daycare


Group shot with some of the kids

Kids playing in the fire hydrant

Nik and Demarko

Water balloon fight

Nik and Dadjae

* Passing out flyers for Basketball camp


The other VBS work group

* Picking up trash in neighborhoods

Serving Breakfast at Homeless Shelter

Cooking and then serving the meal

* Running Community Garage sale to benefit organization and community

* Working in Food pantry

Alan - the wonderful sponsor that went with Nik

Pastor and Wife of the Ministry where Nik worked

After all their hard work, they did have a chance to see Chicago and have a little fun!

They hung out Wednesday evening at the Navy Pier

Friday, they had a free day!

 Experiencing Chicago's "Bean"

Fun in the Subway

The Aquarium


Friday Lunch at Ed Debevics

Friday dinner at Geno's

They all had such a wonderful trip! I know they made a difference in the areas that they served and I know the teens eyes were open to the world around them and hearts were changed!

Mission Accomplished!

On the way back home - they enjoyed some Lamberts (home of the thrower rolls). 
A personal favorite of ours!

Jeremy, Turkee, Megan and Brent - other sponsors

And Nik brought home some goodies for Jaxen and I!
A 'suspender' onsie for Jax, a shirt for me and some honey

A mickey outfit for Jax

We sure are glad to have Nik (daddy) home!