Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Jaxen - 6 Weeks

Jaxen is 6 weeks old! Here is a little of what he is up to these days:

* Still wearing Newborn diapers.

* Beginning to outgrow Newborn clothes, and moving on to (some) 0-3 month clothes.

* Has found his thumb and is sucking it every now and then.

* Tried a pacifier for the first time. It soothed him as he fell asleep quickly!

* Is so much more alert and playful - growing and changing more each week!

* We have worked on getting into a good routine. I still feed him every 3 hours during the day - nursing for 20 minutes and then taking a 2 oz. bottle. After eating, Jaxen usually stays awake for about an hour or a little more, before napping. About once during the day, he stays awake between 2 feedings. At night, Jaxen is sleeping around 4-5 hours.

He grows cuter every single day! 

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