Sunday, January 14, 2018

Life Lately - Catching Up Finally Edition

Here’s some more random pictures that show you a little of our life lately :)

Jaxen had really bad allergies one day
and his eyes got super puffy and swelled up.
You know me - I took a pic (for documentation) gave medicine and kept an eye on him.
All was well a few hours later.

January 5th was Nik’s birthday!
He decided he wanted to go to a really fun Greek Restaurant in town for dinner.
I tried and tried to get a babysitter - no go.
So we made it a family dinner with Rusty and Diane,
and had a great time!
The kids are always a bit crazy…but this place had such a fun atmosphere
that it didn’t matter too much :)
They had live music, dancing, breaking plates and even some “opea!”
I only took one picture. 
It was before we left, of Nik and I.
I should have taken more of the fun night…but we were just enjoying the moments!
I actually took off that afternoon to spend time with Nik on his birthday
and I asked him what he wanted to do…
his response…
take a nap (in true stay-at-home-dad fashion)!
So he napped.
I got to play with Zane and pick Jaxen up from school - win for me!
For some reason, the background turned really white on this pic.

This boy is so stinkin’ cute.
Especially in overalls. And a hat.

This past Thursday we had the day off from school and work!
It was “freezing rain” and very low temps.
Not a single one of us complained about a lazy day :)

We did lots of artwork that day...

and hung all our art up on our dining room wall.

We also added snowflakes in the boys room and now Jaxen thinks it is the “Arctic”!
Which, it is the coldest room in the apartment.

That afternoon Nik and Jaxen made homemade chocolate chip cookies together :)

Jaxen even got to crack the eggs! 
Something we have been working on for awhile…and he did excellent!

Saturday was basketball day!!!
And it was almost as fun to watch as the first game.
Jaxen is #1 - white.

He still got pretty tired toward the end, was a little spacey and 
kept playing with his shorts on the court - but he had so much fun!

And he ran his little heart out!
Afterward, he told me all that running made him so sweaty - haha!

One of my friends, Becky, came to his game.
Afterward we went out to lunch and hung out for awhile.
We had the best time! It is always fun hanging out with my people :)

Jaxen came out this afternoon looking like this….
undies on his head, coat hangers in his pocket (they were his guns) and 
all his clean undies in his pants (they were his bullets).
This kid! Haha!

Zane was just having a great time playing with his toys
while all that was going on!

And that’s a little bit of life lately!

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