Sunday, October 1, 2017


We should be at church right now, but we are not. 
Jaxen woke up around 6am with some tummy issues and 
Zane was diagnosed with croup yesterday - so today, we are laying low. 
Football is on in the living room, 
Bubble Guppies are playing on the tv in our bedroom and 
the boys are going through all the rooms in the house playing with trucks / watching 
a little tv here and there. 

 I just pulled out Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins from the oven. 
I don’t think I will make these again. 
I have decided I don’t really like chocolate and pumpkin together. 
But, if the boys will eat them for breakfast or snacks, it is time well spent.

Later on, I have a fun project for Jaxen and I to work on:

I purchased this at Trader Joe’s yesterday 
and last night I hot glued it together (making it more durable) 
so we can decorate it this afternoon!

This morning I have done laundry.
A lot.
Yesterday afternoon, I pulled out all of Zane’s 18 month clothes
(such memories from Jaxen!) and now I’m getting them all washed
so I can put them away and pull out all the too small 12 month clothes.

I also worked on Jaxen’s clothes. 
We have been so grateful to get hand me downs for Jaxen from birth until about now.
I have a few shirts stored away for him, but we had to buy him a few new things.
Shoes being the main one.
I feel like in just the last two weeks, he has outgrown all his shoes!
So we bought him a pair of flip flops and tennis shoes.
That will be good for now.
I’m pretty sure we have a pair of snow boots packed away that we bought last year.
Don’t these look like such “big boy” shoes?!

Oh, and the other thing I purchased yesterday was this:

First of all, it's a small back pack for Zane.
And second….it’s a harness!
Yes, you read that right.

I am that mom, who bought a harness for her kid :)
Zane wants to do everything Jaxen does, and it is really hard to keep up with him!
I really think this will help, especially when we are in stores and places where it’s
okay for him to walk, but yet we need him to stay close and not touch all the things.

And look how big Zane is!

I hope to go for a walk later, maybe a Sonic-run.
And finish meal planning / getting a grocery list together.
And then - rest!
My allergies have been pretty bad lately.
I’m trying to rest up and get healthy.

I always miss church when I’m not able to attend,
but the nice thing about the church we are currently attending,
is that I can watch the sermons online later in the week.
So I plan to do that!

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