Monday, September 18, 2017

Moving Moments

These are a few pictures (leading up to) and from our recent move from NY to KS.

Jaxen saw me beginning to pack boxes up around our house and one day he decided he was going to help pack. So he got a box and filled it with stuff (I had no idea what, until I unpacked it) and then he got tape and taped it all up and even added his name to the box. It was so cute. He was so proud of himself! He wanted to keep packing…but I wouldn’t let him…haha!

This picture is not the best picture, but it is something I want to remember. The ladies from my Bible Study group bought these beautiful flowers for me, with the sweetest card and even a little money to help me purchase new clothes for work! I cannot even begin to explain the amazing generosity of people and how sweet they have been to me and my family during this move. God certainly used others to minister to us and bless us!

Because we knew we would be moving into a place much smaller than the place we were currently living, I knew we needed to downsize and get rid of stuff! So, I had a garage sale. Well, a lot of garage sales. Actually, I guess…I just had a never-ending garage sale. In the afternoons, when I was home, I just started setting stuff outside with prices on it and people stopped to buy! So I continued that for about 2 weeks. I did officially have a garage sale I guess one Friday and Saturday morning. Below was the temperature on that Saturday morning, and my selling-buddy :)

He did pretty well…although he spent my profits in the first 2 hours with the garage sale happening next door, and he pulled quite a few items back into the house that he decided we were not going to sell. So, some came with us, and some got left behind. 

Part of the moving process is the cleaning process. Thankfully, once all the toys were packed, Jaxen found fun in using the vacuum to help me clean!

This was day 2 of driving. I totally had “travel hair” and did not care. One bit. But I had to document the half up / half down / mess of a hairstyle I was sporting. Jaxen’s expression pretty much sums it up!

Let me just say - we had some incredible sunsets while traveling. Breathtaking. Driving across the country, moving away, is never easy. But when you see sunsets like this - it takes your mind off yourself and helps you see there is a greater picture.

And a few funnies:

One night Nik was looking for his drill set (that he had just had) and could not find it anywhere! We searched forever. Finally, Jaxen opened the lid to the trash can for something - and there it was! Zane had a bad habit of throwing things in the trash (shoes, apparently drill sets, and more). It was so funny and we laughed so hard over that!

While Zane was busy throwing stuff in the trash, Jaxen was busy hiding things. I don’t think he meant to “hide” things on purpose, but once cabinets were cleared out…he started putting stuff back in them! I found so many things I was missing one day in the bathroom cabinet. Glad I wasn’t actually going crazy!

One night while Nik and Jaxen were in the U-haul, Jaxen noticed a full moon. He said “Daddy, the moon is all full and it makes me go (and he began to howl)". It made Nik laugh forever! Nik actually called me and I got to hear Jaxen howling at the moon. It was so funny to hear his little voice, howling at the full moon!

One night after we moved here, Jaxen was missing some of his friends. After we prayed for them and looked at some pictures, I told him to dream about playing with his friends. He looked at me, in all seriousness, and replied “Dreams are videos in my eyes. I never know what I’m going to get.” Haha! That made me laugh so hard. I guess it’s true…dreams are like videos and you cannot pick and choose what you will dream about!

Lastly, and not from the move, but just funny - I had Jaxen dressed in a tank top and shorts for school one day, but put a long sleeve shirt on because it was a little chilly outside that morning. In my mind, once he was at school and warmed up, he would take off the long sleeves. Well, he still had it on after school so I asked him why and he said “I didn’t want people to see my arms naked!” Haha!

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