Friday, August 15, 2014

Somebody Got A Haircut!

Look who finally got a haircut…!

The before...

And the after...

Not a huge difference look-wise - but a major difference in the way it feels! I had so much cut off - it is much lighter now!

Oh, and yes, I am wearing long sleeves - because it has been in the low 60’s here and rainy! I am told that it is not normally this cool this time of year. But I’m not complaining!

But the bigger story of the day…is Jaxen got a haircut too!

Pretty much any picture from the last 2 months would suffice as
a before…this poor boy has needed a haircut for forever!

The after…

Like father, like son…. 
Ha Ha! Love this picture!!!!

Jaxen and I both were so overdue for haircuts. Some weeks it was the money stopping me and some weeks it was the time and some weeks I just didn’t care! But I’m so glad we finally got it done :)

But I have to say….more for the record (this blog is my memories) that Jaxen was awful during this cut! Every time before when I have taken him, he has done amazing. Sat in the chair by himself, and did so good, with very little movement. Not this time. HE WAS A MESS. 

It was probably due to the fact that he only slept about 4 hours the night before and I woke him from his nap (the second one of the afternoon) to go and get it done. So he was not fully awake anyway. 

The sweet lady kept trying to cut it and he was just not having it (even sitting in my lap). So finally, I just had her start cutting my hair. I love getting my haircut. I think it is so relaxing. Every bit of the haircut experience. NOT SO MUCH WITH A TIRED TODDLER IN YOUR LAP, THOUGH! Ha Ha. Thankfully, Nik was on his way and stopped by to entertain Jaxen through the last half of my haircut - and then he held Jaxen and kept him calm during his haircut. Hooray for Nik! 

After that, we went out to dinner!

VBS finally ended and now we are all in recovery mode…or we will be. We had a wedding reception to attend tonight and I have a baby shower tomorrow afternoon. But after that….recovery. And some family time!

What a great week!!!


  1. Oh my gosh is he getting big. He looks so much like his daddy with you too of course. I miss you guys. Glad you are enjoying your new city. Sorry I dont get to comment much but I read your blog every day. Take care.

    1. We miss you! Glad we can keep up through the blog!

  2. I love both of your haircuts! And I absolutely love the picture of him and Nik!
