Monday, April 6, 2020

Quarantine - Take 4 (Weekend Edition)

Friday was super cold and rainy.
I started a fire downstairs for the boys and I to enjoy and we had a relaxing day.
I got lots of work done and they watched lots of movies :)
Nik even popped popcorn and watched Onward (the new Disney movie) with them in the afternoon. 

Saturday morning started out slow, but ended up great!
Jaxen and I finished up a puzzle we started on Friday (while Zane painted).

After lunch our family loaded up and went on an “essentials” run.
Yea - we found toilet paper!!!

We made a special run-through Dunkin’s and got the boys a treat.
I made them eat in outside the van, in the parking lot, while Nik did some shopping. 

That afternoon we enjoyed the bit warmer weather 
(although I was still wrapped up in a blanket).
These next pictures are hard to see the details - but I’m going to explain them:
Jaxen is throwing the football to Nik, while Nik is jumping over the rope that Zane is swinging.
"Dad-multitasking" at its best!

Zane has had his little orange “balance bike” for a few years and is great at it.
But he has been wanting a “big bike” lately.
We pulled out Jaxen’s bike and put training wheels on it for Zane.
He loves riding up and down the sidewalk with it!
He has gotten the motion down of pedaling and I’m pretty sure it won’t be long
until we pull those training wheels off and he is riding on his own!

Saturday evening was the perfect campfire weather, so we got one going.
It was so nice and relaxing. 
We all ate dinner around it, roasted marshmallows and enjoyed the cool night air. 

Sunday morning I woke up to all 4 of us in our bed.
Both boys (for different reasons) at one point in the night wanted to sleep with us.
We obliged.

 We enjoyed on-line church and I look forward to doing some “Holy Week” 
devotions that our church is providing to us, and to the kids this week. 

Guess what we ate for lunch?
Our favorite…Mod Pizza.
We ordered it and picked it up curb-side and it was a real treat!

 The pic below is not of that - but of a McDonald's picnic in the park last week.
We have been grabbing take out once a week - and we all look forward to it!

After lunch I laid down and took at nap while the boys had screen time.
Nik watched a movie downstairs.
It was so nice - belly full of pizza, windows open with a cool spring breeze,
no where to go and nothing to do!
Very relaxing :)

I cut Nik’s hair outside while the boys played catch. 
Please pay attention to their outfits:
Jaxen is wearing his fleece, full body Christmas pajamas.
Zane is wearing a t-shirt, undies, socks and shoes.

That pretty much sums up our weekend.
Monday starts week 2 of continous learning for the boys and I have outlined a new schedule.
We'll see how it goes.

Hope everyone has a great Monday.

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