Monday, April 23, 2018

Weekend In Review

our night started off rough
jaxen was super upset about something and laying on the floor, crying
but look how sweet zane was with him - giving him hugs and kisses

the night got better as we went to soccer practice
well, for jaxen
zane stayed in the car because he was super whiny and would not listen
they were both in bed, passed out at 8:40pm

before bed, I entertained zane with this discovery ball
it gets bigger and smaller - and he belly laughed every time i put my head in it

everyone was tired by the time I got home from work that night
so after dinner the boys and I built a fort and watched tv while eating popcorn
jaxen even slept there all night
and thought that was the greatest thing

we had soccer that morning
it was cool and rainy…but much warmer than the week before
thankfully, jaxen thought so too
and played 2 really great soccer games - they won both
(with a donut run in between games - we live too far to come home in between)

zane enjoyed watching brother, eating leftover popcorn, and playing

after soccer we ran an errand to ikea
more about that later
and that night i had jaxen and zane helping me bake

the boys looked adorable as we headed to church
in blue and white striped polos
i tried to take their picture and this is what they insisted on

i got to enjoy these beauties all day
they make me smile
there is an orange daisy behind that pink one
it’s employee appreciation week at work

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