Thursday, November 2, 2017

Transitioning - Part 1

In these “transitioning” posts - I will be answering the following (common) questions
I have been asked a few times:

How is Nik transitioning to being home full time and taking care of the boys?
How is Jaxen transitioning to his new school?
How is Zane transitioning to Nik being at home instead of Carla?
How is your family transitioning from small town to city?
How is your family transitioning from a house to an apartment?

and (today)...

How are you transitioning into working full time from being a stay-at-home mom?

I love working. I (mostly) always have. So going back to work full-time has been a nice change for me! The staff I work along-side are wonderful. And although I work a standard Monday - Friday, 8am - 5pm, my hours are super flexible within that time frame. Meaning, if I have an appointment I can take my lunch whenever I need to. If I decide to go to Jaxen’s Thanksgiving Lunch, I can go. I am so thankful and grateful for the flexibility. And I love my job! It truly is a blessing to me, to go to work each day. Which makes the transition way easier. If I didn’t love my job, my coworkers, or if they were not flexible with my time - it would make this transition way harder. 

The hardest part about transitioning is the time away from the boys. I almost never see Zane in the mornings, and he is usually taking a nap when I come home for lunch. Nik and Zane do stop by my office once or twice a week so I can see Zane (and they bring me a soda!), and so that helps. And if Zane is asleep during my lunch that does mean I get to spend a bit of time with Nik - so it’s not all bad.  

I get to spend a bit of time with Jaxen in the mornings, which I enjoy. I really miss picking him up from school and hearing about his day, first thing. However - I think he now realizes I love to hear about his day because when I came home from work yesterday he said he had two things to tell me…and then proceeded to tell me about his day! 

I was having a hard time last week, with missing the boys (Zane in particular). They were all in Texarkana and gone Wed-Sun (the week before last). I did miss Nik and Jaxen but I really missed Zane. I think it was because I could talk to Nik and Jaxen on the phone - not so much with Zane. And Zane is at this stage in his life right now where he is learning new stuff and changing every day. Seriously. And I miss out on that. I realized I was having a hard time (even though they were back) because I normally soak up time with them on the weekends - and I didn’t have that time the weekend they were gone. It’s all okay, I’m so glad they went, but it did make me realize how much I use that time to spend with the boys - which helps me during the week when I only get to see them a few hours a night. 

I have stated this before - but when I come home from work, I try to put all my focus on the boys. I get home a little after 5pm and then we start bedtime around 7:20. That’s just not that much time. This past Friday night we let the boys stay up until 8:30pm and I had the best time cuddling with Jaxen on the couch, watching Kids You Tube with him. And then Zane crawled up and I got to watch Bubble Guppies with him. It’s the little things - but it’s me spending time with them, doing what they love. 

So….the short answer is...The transition has gone well. I love my job and I soak up all the moments with my boys when I can!

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