Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Our Anniversary - 15 years

Last week Nik and I celebrated 15 years of marriage!

My day started with Nik cooking me breakfast, 
starting (and scraping the frost off) my car…then continued with
lunch out (Thai food), flowers (for home) and a plant (for my office)….then continued with
a wonderfully cooked dinner (hamburgers) and ice cream out!

Friday night our friends, the Chandlers, agreed to keep the boys!
So Nik and I headed out for a fun date night and morning.
I very much enjoyed my time with Nik
and all the little thoughtful things he did to make our 15th Anniversary a great one!

And in keeping with our 15 years of marriage,
here are 15 reasons why I love Nik (in no particular order):

 He is kind
 He puts gas in my car for me
 He is patient with me 
He charges my toothbrush when it gets low (before I even notice it is low)
 He initiates hugs
 He cleans the house and does laundry
He brings me Sonic “treats” (a drink) a couple times a week
 He makes me laugh
 He tells me he loves me all the time
 He knows how to grill yummy meat
 He supports and encourages me
 He loves our boys big
He works hard at showing me he loves me
 He is always up for an adventure
He loves road trips

We both work hard at our marriage. 
Marriage is fun. and hard. and easy. and tough. 
Marriage is full of love. and forgiveness.
And it is worth it!

I am thankful God gave me Nik for these past 15 years.
And I pray we have 15+ more years together!

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