Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Jaxen - 8 Months

Jaxen turned 8 months on the 12th!

He is looking less and less like a baby and more and more like a toddler! Time is flying (as they always say) but it has definitely been fun.

His hair keeps growing and coming in more and more. It has a red tint (which I love) to it - you can see it when he is out in the sun.

Jaxen eats a variety of fruits and vegetables, rice cereal, oatmeal and chicken. There are a few foods he does not like to eat and I'm still trying to introduce him to new foods with different flavors and textures. So far, I have made all his food (except pears - broke down and bought them)! He normally "eats" three meals a day. I still nurse him at night and in the morning - but otherwise, he takes a formula bottle (about 4-5 oz. with each meal).

He loves to be outside. And since we have had such a mild winter - we are able to oblige!

I have not been that great the past few weeks at taking pictures. Bummer, I know. But he is definetely growing. He is not growing so much 'around' as he is, tall.

He is still in size 3 diapers and pretty much wearing 9-12 month clothes.

He loves to play peek-a-boo (not just hands over face - he has advanced to whole body peek-a-boo). It is so much fun seeing him get 'scared' and laughing.

He can be pretty content to play on his own when needed - we just have to keep an eye out for the plants!


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