Tuesday, October 26, 2021

School Updates

School is well underway and before we know it the semester will be over! I thought I would try to give some updates on the school-front for the boys....

Zane: he loves school! He works very hard at home, with whatever he is learning at school. Currently, he practices daily on writing his letters - and his handwriting is great! He has a really good understanding of everything he is being taught and scored super high on the Phonemic Awareness Objectives. The goal is to be at 3.6 and he scored a 4.2! During his parent-teacher conference I heard very good things. He is ahead of where he needs to be, he loves to learn, and is a good friend!

Zane has joined an after-school club - the Gaga Ball Pit Club. Basically, every Tuesday, for 4 weeks Zane stays after school to learn and play Gaga Ball. It is a fun game that all the neighborhood kids like and I'm excited he has that opportunity. (Jaxen was also a part of this club, at the beginning of the year for the first session). 

Each evening, I have the boys lay their clothes out for the following day. Zane loves to pick out his clothes (not caring if they match) and lay them out like this:

 Zane had to get new glasses this year (his broke and he needed a tad stronger prescription). Nik and him went online and he picked out his glasses - all on his own! They are a bit more grown-up and I'm not sure I like that....even if he is still so cute in them!

The boys had "crazy hair" day at school so that meant pulling out the blue hair gel. They loved having their hair blue and even wore blue to match their hair. I will miss this stage where they love to participate in school activities - I think Jaxen is almost done with it, but I'm trying to hang on for a bit longer before letting it go.

Jaxen: does not love school like he used to. It makes me sad...but I've come to realize he likes it a bit more than he admits :) He does love all the "specials" they have - art, computer, library and music. Jaxen brought home a typing test this week where he scored 21 words per minute with 100% accuracy! He likes to type and is getting better and better! He like to challenge Nik and I on some of his typing games. We crush him - but I have a feeling it won't be for long. Haha!

During his parent-teacher conference, his teacher showed me some test results where he ranked above average in Mathematics and Reading! The funny thing though, is that those are his two lowest grades. He works too fast and does not fully read through questions on assignments, therefore, getting lower grades. I've talked to him about this - but he does not like doing the work and wants to get done quickly. I understand - that was me :) He is smart, though, and knows his stuff - if he would just slow down!

We have had some behavioral problems with Jaxen in the classroom and are trying to work those out. Let's just say there have been lots of conversations and many many days without privileges that a 9 year old boy loves. He'll get there. Sooner rather than later, I hope!

The boys have officially become "walkers" something during my blog break. That just means they walk to and from school each day. They walk with our neighbor, Brooks and sometimes Tyson. And they love it. I love they get that much more fresh air and exercise each day!

The boys, all ready to walk to school together!

This is some artwork Jaxen created - pretty cool!

On picture day - I gave each boy 2 outfit choices. They both picked the blue shirt. When Brooks showed up the next morning to walk to school, he was in blue also!

I am trying to figure out how to order those pictures. I missed the deadline to turn my form in, so I'm trying to naviagte the website. Either the pics are not posted yet - or I missed it. I sure hope they are just not posted yet, because I love ordering fall school pics!

I think that is all for now!

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