Monday, December 10, 2012

Jaxen - 6 Month Appointment

Today we went to see Dr. K for Jaxen's 6 month check-up.

He now weights 18.5 lbs and is 26 1/2 in. He ranges in the 50-75% for babies his age.

While we were waiting on the doctor, Nik and I were hard at work keeping Jaxen entertained!

Belly zerberts from Nik

Playing with toys.

Playing with the doctors equipment

The appointment went well. Jaxen is developing nicely in all areas.

There are a few things we need to work on:

  • Belly Time
  • A new feeding/sleeping schedule - Hopefully starting this new schedule will fix some of our night time issues!

Jaxen received 2 shots today, and has to go back to the doctor on Friday to get 2 more. Sad. He did so great today, though. He only cried right as they gave him the shot, but then calmed down after I held him. He normally runs a low-grade temp, so we will keep an eye on that for the next couple of days.

We don't see Dr. K again until his 9 month check-up (unless he gets sick, of course). 

It is crazy to know that Jaxen will be 6 months old in just 2 days! 

He is so amazing!

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