Friday, December 14, 2012


And the countdown begins! A countdown to Christmas and time with our families, that is!

SIX DAYS and many, many things to accomplish between now and then... hosting a Youth Christmas Party, getting Jaxen 2 more shots, attending 2 work parties, The Living Christmas Tree, mailing Christmas cards, finish buying Christmas gifts, wrapping Christmas gifts, distributing gifts (to those in town), packing for our trip, cooking and baking for Youth Christmas Party, cleaning my house, and last but not least...laundry!

I'm sure there will be a few more things come up between now and then...there always are. It is very busy around here...but very good!


Nik, Jaxen and I went to a Jazz Concert last night. The concert was fablous and Jaxen did pretty well. He got a little fussy during part of the concert so I gave him a bottle. After he finished the bottle he played with it a bit. As in, kept sucking/chewing on it. I guess he got too much air in his tummy or something - because next thing we knew, he spit up. All over him, my arm, my leg, and Nik's leg. It shocked me! I am just so thankful that it did not get on the guy sitting in front of us, who was very much into this concert! Our moments these days...!

By the way - there is no Christmas Letter this year with my Christmas Card. I am bummed, but it just didn't happen. It was either scratch that off my to-do list, or send Valentine Cards with a Christmas letter. Not happening. And anyways, if you are a steady reader of the blog - you know a good overview of our past year. At least you know all the important things, like... I had a baby. And he spits up over all of us at Jazz Concerts. You know, important stuff.

And today you do not get any pictures of Jaxen. I'm a slacker. I know. But it's just not on my To-Do List!

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