Sunday, March 6, 2011

Haircut and Frames

I remembered this morning to take a picture of my hair while I was getting ready for church. I tend to stick with basically the same style of hair...but I have recently added bangs. And not those long swoopy (is that a word?) bangs that are super cute the first 5 minutes of the morning and then they just hang in your eyes all day and never stay in place. Seriously, I don't know how people do it with the long swoopy bangs. I am over trying to figure them out! So - here is my new haircut:

One of the few things I did get done on my very-fantastic-lazy-weekend was to put some pictures in some frames! I know this does not sound like a big deal - but it is. Let me start at the beginning.

In August (7 months ago) I purchased these frames at a Rummage Sale:

Side note: I know that you are supposed to decorate and hang things in odd numbers (like 3 frames instead of 2 on my wall). But - I am over trying to be a decorator just like I am over trying to make swoopy bangs look good. I hang suff in two's. Does anyone know if the above mentioned is still a 'rule'?

Back to my story - So, after purchasing the frames I finally decided to hang them...In October! Seriously. It took 2 months to hang them. And guess what? Until this weekend, they have been hanging on my wall - just like that since October (minus December when my stockings were hung in thier place). No joke. There they hang. 

So this weekend I was bound and determined to put some pictures in them!

Yah! They are no longer staring at me, empty!

Although I did do a few productive things this weekend, I really took it easy. I left the house for about 1 hour on Saturday (to do an errand that had to be done) and it made me tired. So I told Nik to take me home where I rested on the couch for the entire rest of the day. It was wonderful. Today has been super nice as well. I love good, quiet weekends every now and then!

1 comment:

  1. I really like your hair. Very nice frames, lol! Those pictures look good in there. I do not know about the rule, but I think it is what ever you like is what should go.
