Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Swim Lessons

The boys have started swim lessons this week! 
I am so glad they are doing this. I love them being around water (as do they) and I need to make sure they are confident and know how to swim. We were barely in/around water last year, due to the pandemic so I wanted to make sure they had these lessons early in the summer.  

First up each evening is Zane's lesson. Here are few pics from the last two nights:

Next up, is Jaxen:

They are both doing pretty well so far. I am excited to see how much they progress!
The first night of swim lessons Zane had a fit (during Jaxen's lesson) because he wanted to jump off the diving board. It was 30-minutes of me being logical (you cannot swim in 12 feet of water), putting up with the non-stop crying, arguing with Zane over the rules of the pool, and convincing him that just because his first swim lesson was over that does not mean his swim lessonS are over. Exhausting.
He went to bed early that night and then we tried again the second night. Success!

Let's just say that someone (whether it be his swim teacher or myself) will have to teach this boy how to swim this weekend so he can jump off the diving board. The rules of the pool state that you have to be able to swim (solo) to the side of the pool before jumping off the diving board. Meaning - no adult can be there to "catch" you or help you. 
Wish us luck!
The boys also got treated to McDonalds after swim lessons the second night. I did not want to cook dinner and Nik was already napping before work. Plus - did you see the paint in my hair from the previous picture? Well, I was working on a project and who has time to stop and cook dinner, right?!

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