Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Jaxen is now eight years old - It sounds so big to me!
We were out of town on his birthday (more of that in another post) but here is how we celebrated….

with blue hair :)

Jaxen has mentioned more than once how cool it would be to have blue hair.
Thanks to Amazon, I decided to surprise him with blue hair on his birthday.
He was thrilled!

After the hair was fixed and the van was loaded, we headed to the Crater of Diamonds!

Nik thought this would be a fun activity to do on Jaxen's birthday.
We invited his cousins Kyleigh and Caleb (with their parents) and we had a great day!

They dug and dug for diamonds.
No diamonds were found :(
And yes, it was hot - but manageable!

After a picnic lunch (which included Oreo's and "Happy Birthday")
we headed out for a river hike.

It was a nice (mostly paved) trail that lead us through the creek a few times.
The water was cool and felt so good!
We took a selfie, with the river in the background (which you can't even see - ha!).

After a quick stop at a few souvenir places and sonic for slushes - we headed back.

We had Pizza for dinner (Jaxen's favorite), sang Happy Birthday over Oreo's (again)
and opened a few gifts.

Jaxen had a great and memorable day!

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