Saturday, January 4, 2020

New Years / Christmas Part I

Well, the New Year has come and gone...
it was pretty eventful over here - but not in the way we liked.
Zaney-boo was pretty sick and we had a few days in the hospital....but all is well now!

He was a trooper through blood work, x-ray, MRI and 2 nights in the ICU.
He had cellulitis and is currently on antibiotics - but we have seen so much improvement!

It will take some time, but I want to recap our Christmas...starting with before Christmas :)

This past year we lost my Mamaw...
and when my mom came for Christmas, she brought me a few things from my Mamaw!

This ornament.
I love it.
I remember it (and others that were similar) on her tree every year.
And now it's mine - and every year I pull it out, I will think of my mamaw,
who loved colored, blinking lights on a tree full of ornaments!
(I received a few other ornaments...but this is my favorite)

I also received one of my mamaw's rings!
I love this green ring. I can remember my mamaw's long fingers,
with painted fake nails, and lots of rings (including this one) on her fingers.
This ring fits me well, but I need to have it re-shaped.
The band is completely bent - She wore her rings out!
I am so thankful for this little treasure.

The boys have had so much time off for their Holiday Break,
which has allowed for us to do some fun things!
They have enjoyed playing with their friends.
Jaxen make a blanket fort and him and his friend hung out in it, watching a show on his tab.

I had extra icing leftover from making sugar cookies so I thought it would be fun
for Jaxen and his friends to make Gingerbread houses.
Well, his friend was not up for that - so I let Jaxen decorate the one I made.

Zane decorated one square and then was done.
I ate that square (and a few more) - ha!

On Christmas Eve, I finally took them to Bass Pro - hoping to get a Santa picture.
The lines were ridiculosly we did not get a picture with Santa.
Neither boy was upset at all - they just had a great time playing in the Winter Wonderland!

Stay tuned for more of our Christmas!

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