Monday, January 20, 2020

Catching Up

Well, I haven't blogged much because I don't have much to blog about!
But here's a few things to catch you up on the Davis Family in 2020....

Nik's Birthday:
Nik and I had a fun time celebrating his birthday!
We got a kid-sitter and headed out to the movies to see Ford v Ferrari and
then ate at our favorite Greek restaurant!

Both boys are back at school!
Well, with the exception of a few snow days, a few sick days, and a few holiday-days off.

Sick Kiddos:
Zane has been the sick one this month.
After his hospital stay over the New Year, he has been sick 2 weekends.
Poor guy.
Upset tummy / fevers / extra tired…
not sure, but maybe…hopefully he is all better?!

Snow Days:
The last two Fridays, school and work (for me) was cancelled due to snow/ice.
(Nik's work is never cancelled).
Between the Christmas/New Year's break and two snow days,
we are getting used to long weekends.
And this household is not sad about that! Ha!

One of the perks to snow days and cancelled weekend activities is that I 
get the opportunity to make a dent in my organizing/purging plan! 
I have re-arranged the boys room; 
the boy's "art room" is now my "get ready to garage-sale room";
and we finally almost-finished my laundry area!
(I say almost because we still have to fix some places in the wall, add an ironing board holder, 
a broom holder, baseboards and a new light fixture - 
but it's functional now, and so much better than it was!)
I am slowly making my way through every room, closet, cabinet, drawer, and box we have -
purging, to (hopefully) only keep items that are needed.
I hope to have a Garage Sale this spring!

Go Chiefs!

I have to show you these pictures from yesterday.

These two guys were exhausted.
This was about an hour before the game - I woke Nik up when the game started,
but he could not keep his eyes open.
So he slept most of the game. As did Zane.
I enjoyed my buffalo wings, my QT soda, and the Chiefs WIN by myself!

So excited for the Super Bowl!!!!

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