Wednesday, March 20, 2019

More Pictures

Zane was in need of new shoes - so him and his daddy went shoe shopping one day.
Zane’s world became so much happier once he saw these “PJ Mask” shoes :)
He loves them.
Dare I say more than his dino boots?
I sure hope so - because those boots need to go in the trash. 
I’m pretty sure they will be replaced for his birthday, though. 
(I love kids in rain boots)
And bonus - they light up when he walks!

So I did a thing.
I cut my hair. 
As in, I cut my hair!
I have been wanting it cut for awhile - but you know, it costs money and all.
One morning, a few weeks ago, after I got out of the shower I just started cutting.
And it’s ok.
It needs to be thinned and the long layers could be way better. 
But - it was free. 
And I can live with it!
I tried taking a picture of the front and the back (in the mirror) - this is the best I got.

Remember the “Uno Beast” story?
Well, here is Jaxen in his BEAST shirt :)
(It is hard taking picture with a 6 year old!)

We are potty training, and have been for awhile.
I’m not rushing it - just letting it be at Zane’s pace.
He does really well, overall.
He is so funny on the potty though…
the other night I caught him drinking his milk while going potty.
By the time I pulled out my phone he was done and just sitting.
But imagine his head back, chugging his sippy cup of milk, while on the potty :)

Speaking of Zane, last night he threw up 4 times.
It was so random.
And it was right after I washed his sheets and blankets (he threw up in bed). 
So then I had to strip his bed and wash them again. 
While I was stripping his bed and cleaning up the mess, he threw up in our bed. 
He did throw up once in the trash can, and then once on our bedroom floor.
And this is why we don’t have carpet :)

He seems better today - we were pretty strict on what he was eating/drinking.
Hoping it was a weird 12 hour bug or something…and that no one else gets it!

Sorry for all the potty/throw up talk!
I’ll try to do better next post. 

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