Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Transition - Part 3

In these “transitioning posts" - I will be answering the following (common) questions
I have been asked a few times:

How are you transitioning into working full time from being a stay-at-home home?
See Part 1
How is Nik transitioning to being home full time and taking care of the boys?
See Part 2
How is your family transitioning from small town to city?
How is your family transitioning from a house to an apartment?

and (today)...

How is Jaxen transitioning to his new school?

Jaxen has transitioned well, overall, to his new school. He really likes his teachers and is beginning to make friends. Let me clarify - he is starting to tell me that he now has some “buddies” at school. The first month or so - he would tell me he didn’t have any buddies yet. Which made me sad, but I think he is getting there!

Although I think he is transitioning well - he does not love going to school anymore. He has so much fun there and tells me great things. When I ask him why he does not love it - he says “because it makes me exhausted!” Haha. And it does. He is very tired at nights - especially Fridays. School just wears him out. Plus, I don’t think he likes going because he knows that daddy and Zane get to stay home (and I think he feels left out). 

But, he is learning so much. And although some of it is hard for him to pick up - he is doing a great job and I love seeing him start to recognize his sight words, or tell me about his library book or want me to do math with him!

We were at his school this past weekend (more about that in another post) and you could tell he loves his school. As we walked through it he was telling me all about it. And about the teachers, and where things were….he was excited to show us his school.

He still misses his Wolcott school, and still talks about it. But it is getting less and less. I’m sure that is normal. I think he misses it partly because they don’t “play” quite as much as they did in Pre-K! Ha! 

How is Zane transitioning to Nik being at home instead of Carla?

A year ago if you would have told us that Nik would be Zane’s favorite - we would have rolled our eyes at you. And laughed. If you saw Zane his first year of life you know he was all about his mama and not a big fan of too many other people. However, Zane has really come around and Nik and him have an awesome relationship. Nik is completely Zane’s favorite. He will sit with me and cuddle with me - but the minute Nik comes in the room and sits down, Zane will leave me to sit with Nik, 2 out of 3 times. 

So basically - Zane has transitioned like a rock star to Nik being home. And I think Nik is loving this close relationship with Zane!

One of my favorite moments of the day is when I come home from work and Jaxen and Zane both yell “Mama!” and come to give me a hug and kiss! I sure do miss my one on one time with Zane now that I am working, but I know he is in great hands with his daddy. They have their little routine down and do well staying at home together. 

If I could just get Nik to comb Zane’s hair…!

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