Sunday, December 3, 2017

All About Zane

There is so much to say about Zane right now…

This kid has the best smile and laugh.
And has a little mean streak too.
If Jaxen has a toy he wants, he walks right up to him and open-handed hits him on the head.
Not sure where he learned that one :) Ha!
If you make him mad he will just stare at you and scream.
And when it is time for a nap and he gets cranky…you basically want to just walk away.
It is no fun.
However, he naps like a champ. So that’s nice!

But really - he is lots of fun!
If you get him laughing - it is the best thing ever.
He loves to play “Peek-a-boo” and blow kisses right now.
He is still too-addicted to Bubble Guppies.
He loves his dog-dog, all trucks, and balls.

Giving his dog-dog kisses

His favorite thing to do is jump.
And his jump is so cute!
He will also jump off of anything - and you better be ready to catch him!

He likes to cuddle after nap time - but just until he finishes his milk.
Then, it’s game over.

He is very independent and loves to walk himself everywhere we go.
He does not hold hands well.
Which is the reason we bought the backpack leash.
It has been so nice to have this!

We cannot let him run around in just a diaper, or sleep with out pants.
He pulls his diaper off.
One night, he actually unbuttoned his pajamas (trying to get his diaper off)
but got stuck in the process!

You have to watch him closely, because he will throw things (that don’t belong) in the trash.
Many times, I open the trash can to throw away trash and end up pulling something out.
We have lost a few things that we are blaming on Zane.

Zane is so good at playing by himself.
He will play with Jaxen for a bit - but really just wants to do what he wants to do.

Zane, in the corner, all by himself playing.

I love it when Zane and Nik come to my work to bring me a soda.
Although, they can’t stay too long because all Zane wants to do is throw balls.
There are a few balls in my office - he knows exactly where they are and loves playing with them.
He sometimes likes to play with my calculator or computer.

Zane is 20 months old. 
He still wears mostly 18 month clothes. Some 18-24 month clothes. 
He could care less about shoes and pulls his socks and shoes off in the car almost every day. 
It’s so annoying!

Zane can say some words.
Mama, dada, ball, truck, door, milk, apple, bubble, tree, go…
they are a bit hard to understand - but you can get his drift.

Zane's night time sleeping is still lacking.
Maybe once or twice a week he will actually sleep through the night.
The other nights he is up crying, playing, talking….
sometimes he goes back to sleep on his own, sometimes he needs milk,
sometimes just a hug, sometimes he wants covered up…
it’s always something!

Nik, especially, will be glad when he starts sleeping through the night.
He is the one who is up with him most of the time.
Although, I take a turn to help out. 

Zane is the perfect little addition to our family!

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