Thursday, August 24, 2023

Tackle Football

"Flag forever" has been my mantra... until it wasn't. 

Jaxen and our entire family (yes, it is a family ordeal) has now entered the world of tackle football. And it's a whole new world for us! This summer Jaxen begged and pleaded for us to allow him to play. After many conversations we decided that if this is something Jaxen really wanted to do we would support him. We thought it best to sign him up through a rec league so he could learn before he is allowed to play in middle school, as a 7th grader.

It's hard to see in the pic - but the smile on his face is pretty big! This was taken when he got fitted for his helmet and pads (in July). 

They started practice (conditioning) three times a week during the end of July. At that point, it was a few of the hottest weeks of summer (head index was above 100). And it was tough. His coaches do not play around. After every practice Jaxen would calculate how many yards they had to run during practice. The answer - too many! And he wanted to quit every single second he was out there.


Once they got through conditioning they were able to start learning to tackle and running plays. That is when (finally) Jaxen decided he liked it and was having fun. He learned some good lessons through that time and overall he did pretty well pushing himself and giving it his best.   

Don't they look so big out there?! It does not help that they are using one of the local high school fields to practice on...which makes it even more legit! 


Jaxen's team practices three times a week - for at least 2 hours each practice, until games start in September. That is a long time for him... and me... and Zane. Practices go past when Nik leaves for work, so Zane has to hang with me. And I need to be there for physical, emotional and mental support for Jaxen - ha! (Told you it was a family affair!)

Thankfully, Zane loves it out there. He is living his best life climbing trees, running the track and hanging with his bestie. And now that school has started, doing homework :( 

I have come to terms with Jaxen playing tackle football. He is learning all the things to be as safe as possible. Will he get hurt? Yes. Will it be bad? Who knows. He has been pushed, and tackled, and pummeled and has the bruises, soreness, and small wounds that will not heal because they keep opening up to prove it. Nik and I are doing our best to encourage him, help him to stay positive, learn the hard lessons, do the work, help him stay hydrated, work out sore muscles and remind him that he can do hard things!

Will he want to keep playing after this season? Who knows. But we are excited for their first game and can't wait to see all their hard work pay off through the season! Go Bulldogs!

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