Saturday, January 18, 2014

Saturday Road Trip

This morning, Jaxen and I hit the road to Dublin, TX, to see my mamaw!

This is really sad…I live a little less than 2 hours away and I never go see her. Never. It’s true. When we moved here, I really thought I would go more often. But I didn’t. And I apologized for that today. Life always gets in the way of life…you know? It’s a bummer when I let that happen.

So we went to see her today - and we had a great time! It was not a long visit…maybe 4 1/2 hours. But still really great.

I finally got my camera out of the car when we went outside this afternoon….

Mamaw wanted Jaxen to help her get the bird feeder ready

And then they picked up sticks and leaves to put in the pitcher

Jaxen just ran and played for a long time

He finally wore himself out and needed to rest

Lucky, Jaxen and Mamaw

This was one tired little boy...

But gave mamaw a goodbye hug!

And within 3 minutes of being back in the car seat, on the road, he was asleep!

I’m really glad we took the time today to go see her. Nik is out of town until Sunday afternoon, on a youth retreat. So it was nice to not have to spend the day alone! We were back by 5pm. So we ate dinner, I gave Jaxen a bath and he was in bed by 7:30 (which is early for him)! 

After he went to bed, I did a few chores and then made myself some hot chocolate. I enjoyed looking at the pictures today and thought you might enjoy seeing them. 

But now, I am off to bed. This long week of working everyday, moving my work…has me worn out! I am thankful for a day off on Monday!

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