I never really have before. But I have been thinking about them, and I really want to make some this year. I know it is cliche to make them at New Years and probably like 97% of resolutions are never met...but no matter the time of year, I always think it is good to set some goals and to strive for things. So that is what I am doing!
So here are my resolutions for 2014 (beginning this week):
Read 6 books: I need to read more. I enjoy it, but don’t ever make the time for it.
Lose 20 pounds: Always a goal. Always. It is so hard, but I really need and want to do it.
Make running a normal part of my week (2-4 times): I began running this summer and really started enjoying it. Then I got out of the habit. I miss the time to myself and the exercise.
Begin and keep 1 new hobby: I just feel like I want something else to do with my time (that does not include work - of any kind!).
Learn to make homemade bread: This has been on my list for years. I just need to do it. We love homemade bread.
Take Jaxen to the park once a week: Just a good goal to have for Jaxen.
Have a date night once a month with Nik: It is so needed. And we are not very good at taking that time for ourselves.
There you have it. I hope to update every-so-often with how I am doing!
And here are some pictures of Jaxen, because a post is not complete without some pictures of him!
Building and knocking down blocks
Hugging his puppy
Wearing his hard hat while playing (it’s a tough job!)
And riding on his car
Which reminded me of this pic, from my “Year in Review” post
Picture below taken in June
Great resolutions and realistic. You can do it!! Hope you and your precious family have a blessed 2014!!! Love you much!!1