Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Catch Up

Apparently I have taken a little blogging break! It was unintentional...and I actually just realized how long it has been since the last time I posted. So...sorry!

Let me catch you up on our life....

Jaxen went back to Mothers Day Out today and did great! I was nervous about him returning after having such a long break. But it was no issue at all. He just walked in, took off his coat and went to play. That made my heart very happy!

My work has been very busy lately. We just came off of (my area's) busiest season: Christmas! There is always so much going on in the music ministry of a church during that time. But we are also in another very busy/somewhat stressful, but happy time...MOVING. Our church was burned (from arson) 4 years ago (on January 19). Since then, they have built a new church, in a new location. And next week is moving week. And then the first service will be Sunday, January 19. Have you ever moved an entire church? NO? Me either. Let me just say....lots of organization and flexibility. But yet, still meeting deadlines for people, ministries taking place...you get the idea. I have been a little overwhelmed everyday at work for the past couple of weeks, and probably will be for a few more. Grin. But it is all going well. It is a great team of people. And then I leave work, and don't think about all that until the next day (perks of being part-time)!

And then my other job kicks in...being a wife and mom! Not that it is particularly overwhelming, or anything...but right now, there is lots going on as well. With Nik's additional responsibility at our church, plus preaching, plus being in charge of Upward - he is busier than ever. And even when he is home...work does not stop. We are (both) trying to take care of things and working still. I try to help him however I can. And part of that help is to make sure the house is cleaned, groceries are bought, dinner is cooked, dishes are cleaned and put up, laundry is done...you get the picture! I am trying to take care of all of that so he doesn't have to worry about it. And as you well know, that can be a job! And again, it makes me thankful for my part-time (paid) job!

We are really trying to work with Jaxen right now on listening and discipline. I feel that the last few weeks, we have let him run loose (or looser than we like) and he has not been listening to us very well. The best thing I know to do, is to be consistent (which can be a lot of work). But we are trying. I just want to raise a kid who listens. Who respects his parents. Who does not think he can always have his way. And yes, I understand our issues now are "small" (throwing food he doesn't want to eat, standing in his high chair and crying because he doesn't want to sit down, climbing on the chair and then the table to get to the computer....) but I want him to know and understand now, that it is not okay to throw a tantrum because you he didn't get his way.....

Okay, that was a lot of babble to say "I'm working on my parenting skills". I'm done.

I think that's all for catch up. Here are a few pictures to end on...

Monday morning, Jaxen and I cuddled on the couch
and when I got up to get breakfast - I saw Jaxen talking on my phone,
playing with my iPad and almost drinking my hot tea!

And then there is the fireplace…this took place today...

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