First of all….I have to say….
I just don’t think life could be anymore interesting than it is has been this weekend!
The good, bad, funny, stressful….and at this very moment, I am sitting here smiling.
Lunch is cooked and hot and ready to eat, sitting on the stove, waiting to be eaten. Jaxen is asleep in my room with a black, bloody eye. And Nik is currently performing a wedding (that was not planned).
Let me back up…
Friday afternoon Jaxen began running a fever. It was a low-grade fever at the time, but continued to spike through Friday night. He barely slept that night. Neither did I. We both laid in my bed - him, burning hot and me, praying over his little body as he laid cuddled up next to me, just staring into my eyes. That was a sweet, but yet hard time (watching him so helpless). Nik was on the couch, trying to get some sleep but was having a hard time breathing. He has been struggling really bad with allergies (and tweaked his back and hip this week, as well).
Saturday came and Jaxen was not any better. Nik went to basketball and Jaxen and I headed to the doctors. They checked his ears, throat and lungs. All good. Probably just a virus. So we headed home and had a sick day. We watched all his favorite movies, and played in a cool bath to try to bring the fever down. He was really lethargic most of the day. I made sure he was drinking, although he was not eating much. I was really bummed Jaxen was sick. We had made plans to go spend the day with my grandma…but maybe next weekend (fingers crossed!).
By the time Nik got home from basketball, we were all tired and worn out! Thankfully, Chick-fil-a came to rescue for dinner!
Saturday night, was only a bit better, sleep-wise. Still a very hard night with Jaxen not feeling good at all. But by 5am, Sunday, he was awake and his fever finally broke!
So then came today (Sunday). I left for Sunday School (because I had to teach) while Nik stayed home with Jaxen. We had a great lesson with good discussion and I’m really glad I was able to teach it. (
Nik and I talked about it the night before to see what we were going to do. We decided to do a switch-a-roo, instead of him teaching Sunday School and preaching - that way, he did not get his lessons mixed up!) I left Sunday School early to relieve Nik so he could go to church and preach.
When I got home, Nik told me that Jaxen was okay….but fell off the couch and cut his eyelid. It was bloody.
So, Nik left to go to church and preach while I loaded Jaxen up and back to the doctor’s we went!
Jaxen is fine. No stitches. Just a cut eyelid. I have a feeling it will look worse, before it gets better! But he is doing okay, and it does not seem to bother him. He is napping.
Finally sleeping. This boy has barely slept all weekend.
The service at church this morning (from what Nik said) was fantastic. Just a really good spirit and when Nik got up to preach, his allergies cleared up. There was no stuffiness, no runny nose….just him, able to preach the word of God with no distraction. That was an answer to prayer! Because when he came home, he looked awful! You know when someone has allergies so bad their eyes are swollen and almost closed and their nose is red and rubbed raw from blowing it…that was Nik.
So after Nik got home, right as lunch was finished cooking, he received a phone call that he was needed back at church. To make a long story short…Nik performed a wedding, in his office! It was his very first wedding to ever perform! They had everything in order and just didn’t want to wait any longer to be married. They wanted an ordained minister to do it…and after Nik asked them some questions they went inside so Nik could get the manual to make sure he said all the right things…and there you go! Nik’s first wedding! It was so funny to me.
Now, I am sitting here, trying to finish up this blog post. Nik is out with the teens and Jaxen is playing in the living room. This whole week (and weekend) has been something else! It has been hard. It is hard not sleeping and having a sick kid, and having a husband who has hurt his back and hip and struggling so bad with allergies. It is hard to miss church, and adult interaction and fun things.
But it is okay as well. And right now, I am smiling! I am planning ahead for the week, about to go to the grocery store. We have one more really busy week ahead…and I pray that we all stay well!
Here is a picture of Jaxen’s eye, after it has been cleaned up -