Friday, July 27, 2012

Jaxen - Dr. Appointment

Today we had Jaxen's appointment with the Hematologist. Before he went, I dressed him in a cute outfit and took some pics!

Jaxen and I - wearing his polo onesie

See the cute frog on his behind?!

Nik and Jaxen

When we got to the doctor's office we had to wait...

So (of course) I took some pics!
See those eyelashes?!

The nurse took all of Jaxen's stats:

Weight: 10.0 lbs!!!
Length: 22 1/2 in.
Blood Pressure: 99/62
Pulse: 164
Temp: 97.0
Oxygen: 100

All of which were perfect!

We met with the doctor, Dr. G, and he educated us on hemoglobin. Basically, there was an abnormality with Jaxen's hemoglobin. Jaxen's initial results came back negative for some of the major hemoglobin issues, such a sickle cell. Which is good. His abnormality will likely be very minor.

After talking to the Dr. they had to draw some blood. Two viles of blood! It was a little hard seeing that needle going in and all that blood coming out (for me, anyway). So I just focused on taking pictures!

The nurses, putting the needle in his arm.

All in all, Jaxen did really well with his blood being drawn.

So now, we wait for results. We should know something in about 2 weeks.

This afternoon Nik decided to take a nap on the couch and I laid Jaxen down with him. 

Jaxen loves napping with his daddy!


  1. He's so gorgeous! You seriously made an incredibly cute kiddo :)

    Praying that it's teensy tiny no-big-deal abnormality!

  2. He is so cute! He weighs just as much as Skittles now, lol. Hope his results come back good.
