Wednesday, July 18, 2012


There is nothing much better than watching friends and family that you love, loving on your child. We have been so blessed and are so grateful for all the family and friends that have visited to see and love on Jaxen and us.

Grandpa Scotty and Jaxen

For the last 5 weeks we have had so many visitors. We have enjoyed every single person who has dropped by. We have had people stay over night, some just stop by to get a 'baby fix', others have brought food.... no matter the reason, we feel so loved!

My mom and Scotty have been here this week and we have had such a great time! My aunt Pam and cousin, Savannah visited for the day yesterday and my Mamaw is coming tomorrow.

Aunt Pam and Jaxen

The time of all the visitors will come to an end pretty soon and we will start getting ourselves on a routine for when I have to return to work. It is a good thing. But I will never forget these past 5 weeks and all the love and support we have had!

Jaxen, hanging out in his bouncy seat

1 comment:

  1. Awww glad hes getting to see a lot of family.
