Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Tennessee - Part 3

We really did have a great time in Tennessee! The boys got along really well (for the most part) and it was just fun to relax, hang out, play games, watch movies and BE TOGETHER without our normal, everyday interruptions!

I mean - does this not look comfy?! I pretty much laid on the boys bed (a pull out sofa) with them every single night while we watched movies, football or regular tv shows (Nik was in a char right across from us).

There was a pottery shop that I really wanted to go look out but was nervous having the boys inside there. So guess what we did? We let them pull out the DVD players from the car and they laid in these hammocks outside the shop while we looked around - perfect!

After we did a little shopping we played some cornhole and then walked across the street to have lunch. I had the best chicken salad sandwich of my life there. No exaggeration - it was sooo good!

That night we attended the town's WinterFest. Again - it was the BEST weather! We walked the "Trail of Lights" for awhile before catching the tail end of a Veterans Show.

(it was hard to keep Zane on the actual trail)

On our last day guess where we went? BUC-EES! We spent more time than people should in that place - haha! It's just so fun.

After a week in Tennessee, we headed home. It was time - but our time there, together was just so good! Great memories!

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