Nik was asked a while back to be a sponsor for the Pre-Teen Retreat at our church. He agreed (after talking with Jaxen first, to make sure it was okay). So they headed out on a Friday afternoon (a few weeks ago) and it was just Zane and I left.
I cannot even tell you how excited I was to have this time with just Zane! I had big plans going into our weekend. And then I found out he had his football tournament that Saturday (single elimination - so you only know you will play one game....but could end up playing 3 - meaning no way to plan)! So I decided to focus on 3 things with Zane:
1. McDonald's - this poor kid very rarely gets to eat McDonald's, let alone play there. I always veto it, and the rest of the family almost always veto's it. But he loves it and so I decided to make it a priority for him.
2. Car Wash (Nik laughed when he heard this) - Zane and I had multiple conversations about the car being washed. A few weeks ago he told me we really needed to get it done because "when my elbow rubs against the car it gets dirty". No joke. Ha! He let me know he wants to to go with me but if it "works out better to go alone, that would be okay". Zane has always loved the car wash and so I planned to go together to get it washed!
3. New pants - Zane loves to dress himself and is very opinionated about what clothes he wears and how he looks (complete opposite of Jaxen). Currently he has no pants he likes (and really, that fit him) so I told him I would take him to the store and let him pick out some "cool" pants that he likes and that fit him.
That Friday afternoon/evening we hit up a store, looking for pants and found Zane's Halloween costume instead!
After, we went the park and Zane played for over 2 hours. He knew a few people who were there and then of course made new friends. I just let him play. It was so nice to not have to consider anyone else. I visited with another mom for a bit, and read a book. Finally, we headed to dinner at McDonald's. I let him order whatever he wanted, let him play as long as he wanted, and then we had an ice cream cone before heading home to get cozy and watch one of the Toy Story movies.
Saturday morning we were up pretty early - Zane played with friends while I prepped for my Sunday school lesson and then we headed out early for his football game. We played Frisbee until the rest of the team showed up. Sadly, they lost.
On the way home Zane asked if we could stop at "the place daddy sometimes calls you". Meaning (QT) - haha! Of course we can/did! We ate lunch, snuggled on the couch and watched a different Toy Story movie together.
That afternoon we finally made it to the car wash - ate dinner - Zane took a bath and then guess how we ended our night? With one more Toy Story movie!
Sunday morning Zane dressed himself and came into my room to ask how he looked. Super cute! This boy has his own style, for sure!
After church, Nik and Jaxen came home from the pre-teen retreat so we all lounged around, ate pizza, watched football and I worked on laundry.
It was a great weekend. For everyone.
Now - I need a weekend with just Jaxen!
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