Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Our Weekend

I think once a month we should have a three-day weekend, don't you? I mean...it was just so nice to get things done but yet relax, as well!

Saturday morning started out nice and early. My boys were awake and ready for the day earlier than they had been all week. We texted some neighbors to see if they wanted to join us at the skate park and their kiddos were still in bed....jealous! We went anyway - it was a beautiful morning. After about 10 minutes, Zane threw a fit and stayed in time-out the entire time. Eventually Jaxen told me it wasn't fun anymore with Zane crying and fighting with me - so we went home. Haha!

The rest of Saturday was filled with the boys playing outside with their friends. I ended up sorting and bleaching most of our toys (and trashing some). It felt good to do! I also finished getting everything ready for the first week of school.

Sunday we wanted to do something fun with the boys - so after church we hit up the driving range! I think everyone had a great time. This is something Nik and Jaxen will likely do again. Zane was a little young - but had fun with it. He kept telling me how fun "baseball" was. It took a good 20 minutes to teach him to say "golf". Haha!

Look at that swing of Zane's...yes, we all stayed back when it was his turn!

Monday we went with some neighbors (and friends of the boys) out for pizza. Afterward, Nik helped the dad change breaks on his vehicle while I painted. 

I love having our "man-van" (as I refer to it, because it's Nik's) to haul all of these boys around in!

We let the boys play all day with friends and finally brought them in around dinner time to start getting them back in the "school" routine.

It was a fun, productive and relaxing there-day weekend. The best kind!

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