Thursday, September 3, 2020

2020-2021 School Year - Updated

This post has been started, stopped, and changed a few times over. I think we have a plan (once again) for the start of the school year....

If you remember correctly, I already posted an update on the upcoming school year. However, this is 2020 and nothing is ever really "set" - am I right?!?

Two weeks ago our County Health Department placed our county in the "red zone" and recommended that "...if school districts follow the health department’s guidance, only elementary students would return to classrooms next month. Middle and high school students would begin the year with remote-only learning."

After a few days our school district made another decision for the start of the school year. "...begin the year cautiously by having elementary students start the year in a hybrid model. In the hybrid model, elementary students will be divided into two groups by alphabet. Half the students (group A) would attend school in-person on Monday/Tuesday and participate in learning activities at home the remaining three days (Wed-Fri). Group B students would attend school in-person on Thursday/Friday and participate in learning activities at home the first three days of the week. On the days students are not at school, they will have daily contact with a teacher."

So that is where we are. Hybrid model for a few weeks, then who knows?

Here is our plan to accommodate this:

Thankfully (seriously, I am so grateful) my work has agreed to allow me to work from home each morning. That will allow a few things to happen:

  • Once Nik gets home from work, he will go to bed and sleep until noon(ish). This will hopefully allow him to have 7+ (depending on when he gets home) hours of continuous sleep. (Instead of 2 naps, equaling around 5 hours total).
  • On the days Jaxen goes to school, Zane and I will take him in the mornings and then come back home and continue our day.
  • On the days Jaxen is learning remotely, he will be with me so I can help him however needed.
  • On the days Zane is in school, I will take him on my way to work (he will go afternoons only).
  • In the afternoons, Nik will take over remote learning / pick kids up from school and spend time with the boys individually (they go to school on different days).
  • I hope this will bring consistency to our family during this time.

So - Jaxen will go to school all day on Monday/Tuesdays (unless there is no school on Monday - then he will go Tuesday/Wednesday).

Zane will go to school Thursday/Friday afternoons (unless there is no school on Friday - then he will go Wednesday/Thursday).

Yes, I have a calendar (in bold) of the days the boys will attend school for the first few weeks!

We will do our best to make this a positive situation for our our kids and family. I am not sure if Jaxen is excited or not. We received teacher assignments yesterday and he is not thrilled with his teacher, but I think he is excited to be back in school. We know of one friend (so far) who will be in his class (although, they will be going to school on opposite days - for the time being). Zane is excited although I had to break the news to him that he has a new teacher instead of his teacher from last year (who he loved and was supposed to have again).

One change in our home, is that we have made a "Family Office". Remember this room?

Picture of room before we moved in.


It is a bedroom on our main level. At one time, we made it an art room for the boys. Then it became my "garage sale" room for about 6 months.


 And's our family office!

 Jaxen will work on this side of the room:

I will work each morning on this side:

It feels good to have a place for school and work for the unknown school year. We may eventually add a desk for Zane and we will probably add some things on the walls (bulletin boards/white boards) or even a comfy 'reading' chair for the boys to give them a different place to work. All in time - and as we see what the needs are. But the room feels fresh and clean!

We are in the single digits to school starting - pray for my boys and teachers through this transition!

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