This church family has loved us since the moment we arrived in Temple. They watched us grow up. They loved on, supported and encouraged Nik during his first full-time ministry position. They respected and helped him as he led the youth group and even more recently, as he helped lead the church. They watched Jaxen grow in my belly and rejoiced with us upon his arrival. They have loved on him and nurtured him and I could not have asked for much better.
Not everything here was perfect. We definitely had some pretty hard moments. But when you leave someplace…you want to remember the good. And we had lots of good moments.
One of the hardest things about leaving here is the teenagers. The ones who are seniors this year, are the very first 7th graders that moved up after we arrived. We have been with them from the beginning. We have watched them grow up and mature, but most importantly - we have watched them come into a personal relationship with Christ. And that is something that is so special to be a part of. To see them learn about what it means to be a Christian…to watch them love others, help people, serve where needed, lead in worship, share a testimony, pray for a friend… it has been the most awesome privilege.
We had one last youth service on Wednesday. It was hard knowing that was the last time we will walk into the youth room and have a service with this particular group. Afterward, we went to eat dinner and then the goodbyes came. It was sad. It was hard. But I know it is going to be okay!
The youth group, on Monday, at Top Golf!
After saying goodbye to my work people and our church people - we had to say good-bye to our neighbors. And it was hard to say good-bye to them. They were more than neighbors to us...They were friends, family, our interior designers, cooks, babysitters, our TV source…and so much more!
Emilie, Jaxen and Katie
Kris and Jaxen
Kris, Quention, Emile and Jaxen
Needless to say, after all those good-byes…I was exhausted! Mentally and physically exhausted. It was sad to drive away from Temple. From our home and our life for the past 6 years.
But we are looking ahead! And we are super excited about our new adventure in New York!
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