Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Our Home

Oh, our home. And this journey. It has been something else!

Once we made the decision to move, we decided to sell our home. We pondered keeping it as rental property…but decided against it, just because we will be so far away. Selling was really the best option for us. We have never sold a home before. This was all new to us. I almost feel like a pro now!

We setup an appointment with a realtor in town…actually, he is the top realtor in Temple. He is very good at what he does - but it is not easy to list a house with him. After our initial meeting, we knew the updates we needed to do to sell our home as well as a good asking price for it.

Then the work started….and oh my….the work.

We did not have to do a lot - our home was in pretty good shape. We needed to lay new flooring in our kitchen and both bathrooms (which is something that was already on our to-do-list) and paint most of the inside and the outside trim (just to make it look a bit nicer).

Not too bad. But we knew time was limited and with the Upward Season going on, and everything else that comes with moving…we knew we did not have time to do the bulk of the work. So we hired those two jobs out.

The painting part went great. It was a two day job. Easy peasy. It looks great, and we got a pretty good deal! These pictures were snapped quickly today, just to show you the new paint job -

The updated tan walls and white fireplace.

The tan walls are through most of the house.

The flooring was another story…I don’t even know the last time I was so frustrated with something. I’m not going into the details…but basically our house was a construction zone for 6 solid days. We could not be in our kitchen/dining area. All of that stuff was in our living room so we could not be there either. And the dust, from scraping up the old flooring....The dust was awful. But it is finally done. And I am so glad to have that part over!

The updated kitchen flooring. 
Much better than the white/pink that was before!

The rest of the work we had to do, was pretty small stuff. Some landscaping, some rearranging, cleaning…not too bad.

All in all, we finished everything pretty quickly and our home was officially on the market Tuesday, February 25. We had 2 showings that Thursday and one showing Friday.

Friday, February 28, I received a phone call from our realtor that someone had made an offer on the house!!! We countered their offer, they countered back - and Monday, March 3 we signed papers to sell our home (and at full asking price)!!!

Tuesday we had the inspection and now we are in the "Waiting Period" (7 days) of our house completely being sold. We have to wait and see what comes back from the inspector and if they are going to ask for any concessions.

We will know by next Tuesday, March 11, if the sale will go through. And we leave Temple on Thursday, March 13. If all goes as planned, we will "close" on Friday, March 28. For those of you who are not that familiar with our history in Temple....March 28, 2008, is when we closed on our house when we moved here!

It has been a (fast) journey!

An amazing one! And one I have seen God work in. Many months ago…probably August or September, I was out for a morning run (when I was actually running - ha!) and I remember praying on one certain morning about our home. I did not know we were moving yet, but I just started praying that morning that when the time came that I would see God’s hand at work in the sale of our house. I prayed for Nik and I as we made decisions about our home, for the realtor, for the people purchasing our home…basically, anything that I could think of at that time to pray for concerning our home. I laid it all out there. God answered my prayers! And I’m so thankful! And happy!

I know many others have prayed along side of us here recently about the sale of our home…that we would see it sold before we moved. Thank you for your prayers! It is only through God that our home sold in the timeframe it did!

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