Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Pics from the weekend...

So this past weekend we took a total of 14 youth and 4 sponsors to Southern Nazarene University for Extravaganza. This is a weekend packed full of talent/sports competitions and they also have services throughout the weekend.

This year was extra-great because Jeremiah Bolich was the speaker. If you know him at know he brought incredible messages! I was unable to attend the services (because I have an 11-month old) but heard good reports all weekend.

I usually take more pictures of everyone doing their sports and talent...but I had Jaxen to focus on, so these are the few I took...

8:30am - Saturday - we headed to the football field for the first of 4 flag football games. Jaxen immediately spotted the football and picked it up!

He loves to throw things and threw the football. It landed upright and Nik caught the cutest picture of Jaxen and the football!

Here is our football team, on the line and ready to start.

Those who were not playing football enjoyed entertaining Jaxen. At one point, they even put flags on him so he could be like the "big boys"!

Throughout that long day...Jaxen got ahold of some drum sticks and spent one entire game hitting anything and everything he could!

Everyone hanging out, watching the game!

Sunday morning we had some free time so Nik joined in a game of Disc Golf.

And some of our teens worked on some football plays.

Jaxen was right there, hanging with everyone!

Our youth loved on Jaxen and helped me with him all weekend long. They were super nice to him and he loved all the extra attention and time to play with new friends!

Although I did not get a ton of pictures, I did manage to get one team shot of our Flag Football team:

And one shot of our whole group minus me (taking the picture) and Jaxen (in the car asleep, because it was past midnight)!

As I stated before...we had such a great time. These teens are so awesome and they make any event fun!

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